Monday, December 29, 2014

Persecuted - Christian Thriller with a Seperation Of Church and State twist.

I start out this movie bored out of my mind having just got out of a debate with some guy in the third world area of Zambia which is located in Africa. The first thing I see is a quote from Martin Luther King Jr which is ironic they are using a Social Justice hero from long ago to promote a movie that talks about a book which has little social justice in it alone.

After that we see people rallying against Christians or something along those lines with quotes like that of Dalai Lamas "I like your Christ I just don't like your Christians" and stuff like that. All while showing areas of the Capital Of The United States that have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity except for those few sects of Christianity that think The United States Of America was founded so that they can be assholes to everyone else. What these sects always seem to forget is easily in the first amendment of the untied states constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." But a lot of sects in Christianity always pass this by

We see some main character guy I assume getting interviewed. He sounds like he is a pastor as he is referred to "The Ambassador Of God". talking about how America has become fully secular which I could only dream for. The main character is played by James Remar who has done a lot of really good TV and Movies in the past 10 years. We learn that some bill has been passed that says you have to say openly if you're in some form of religion or others. I can already smell the Jack Chick fear loathing just from that opening scene alone. John Luther who is the main character is about to talk about his past. Which he says he isn't worthy of anything blah blah blah self sacrifice you know the jingle.

Then we get a hint into the past with the guy who made the "If they don't believe in it why are they so offended by it" joke a year ago that went insanely viral. The name of the comedy thing is called "TruthLive" which is ironic because it features a cross and stuff. Funny how before the main character starts a comedy stand up routine he is visited by Type Cast Senator and is asked to bullshit more bullshit so that other bullshit can pass the bullshit congress. Interesting choice of character development. So he's basically Joel Osteen or Peter Popoff with an actual none agenda. Did not expect this. Will watch more.

So because he chose not to speak about the bill that senator type cast was talking about he sent a druggie and someone else to most likely set him up for something he is going to regret. Funny because congressman only seem to do that when they themselves are almost screwed. Yup I thought so, Setting it up so it looks like he was cheating on his wife and family for some random younger girl, I don't need to say anything because the irony speaks for itself. So they framed him of killing the girl. this is getting odd.

Ok so I gave it 15 minutes to develop and so far his best-friend and co-worker is hitting on his wife while drunk on wine. He is basically running trying to defend his name and senator type cast is doing basic senator stuff with other ministries, No true Scotsman at its finest . So he goes to the "American Woman" place that he was attacked, drugged and whatnot at and they are full of junkies who recorded the assault. interesting. typical white president figures out something is strange and tells senator type cast to keep john luther quiet. Ok so the catholic priest sees the evidence in a SanDisc USB drive and is killed by senator type casts cronies. this movie takes no prisoners. lol.

Oh boy. near 60 minutes in they already pull the 'Christian Nation" bullshit and senator type cast is trying to pull some forceful word salad nullification to appease to the people to pass a bill that will make it so all belief systems or none-belief systems are made public. the ironic thing about all of that is that we have something like that. ITS CALLED FACEBOOK. So John Luther meets type cast senator in his own house. This whole bill is all about indoctrination fighting other indoctrination. its kind of hilarious because they are all talking about supernatural powers and whatnot.

I was waiting for it. I was fucking waiting for it. The bad guy is senator type cast who is obviously the evil atheist. I knew it was coming but not 2/3rds into the movie. Typical Christian Secular Entrapment. Aside from that John Luther character is actually for Separation of Church and State which is something you don't see often even in a christian propaganda movie. this is impressive.

Ok we're near the final stretch and John Luther has been shot 2 times by type cast senators assassin and with the help of alter boy he is trying to get what looks like the framing scene the junkies got on the internet while assassinman is nearby and Luther is bleeding out faster than a teenager on her first period. In a MNightShamalayn twist Assassinman turns on type cast senator and kills him directly in his home which is going to lead to some intense shit. now assassinman and his crony are trying to kill john while FBI comes in all Counter Terrorist like to get assassinman and hopefully help with luthers innocence. Just as john thought he was about to die he calls his family and tells them he loves them and then assassinman evades counter terrorist FBI force and assassinman takes FBI woman hostage. John shoots him most likely in the back or in the head.

After it seems to be weeks later and he is back at the place where it all started. bestfriend asshole is probably fired and well you know. stuff like that. then we get back to the start of the interview with news woman where we started out and he says something about falling on his own sword. after that he goes into the whitehouse conference center to say something about all of this. probably something none-existent or something.

FINAL THOUGHTS: I am actually really impressed with this movie. It felt more like a 90's thriller with a tiny bit of a christian vibe thrown into it. Surprised they threw the Evil Secular person near the end with his apparently congress best friend dude but that is passable. I would say this is worthy of a watch if you want to see something good of a popcorn movie with christian vibes. other than that it was full of fallacy after fallacy and some of it just seemed out of place even though everything in this movie took place in Washington D.C.. I hope more 'Christian' movies come out actually understanding the separation of church and state.

Friday, November 21, 2014

I Don't Know.

Lately it seems like people are claiming to know everything or a big part of everything, no matter what source you read there is always one side that thinks they have all the answers or that some fictional character is the only answer that is needed. The redundancy of claiming to know everything proves significance of nothing without actual scientific peer reviewed evidence.

We currently live in a generation where the next dark ages could occur at any time. We have actual scientists who are completely ripping apart creationists. we have 13 different groups of jihadists killing in the name of their God and its Prophet, claiming to be a cult of peace but threatening to take over the world. We have countries that ban a certain sexuality because of books written by desert goat herders in ancient times told them too.

This year alone scientific integrity has been challenged by people who believe skywizards did all of this 6000 years ago. There is a small group of dunces who are so scientifically illiterate it's amazing they make money off of people at all. they are Ken Ham, Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron, Kent Hovind, Eric Hovind, Pat Robertson. Joshua Feurestein. Those are the most prevalent ones of this age.  Yet if the time comes they would easily be the first to call to burn blasphemers and anyone else who questions their own intellectual suicide.

Bill Nye ripped Ken Ham a scientific new one in February of 2014, Neil Degrasse Tyson made the creationists quiver in fear with his 13 episode re-imagining of Carl Sagan's 'Cosmos: A space and time odyssey' and people from all over YouTube like Logicked, JaclynGlenn, Dusty Smith, The Amazing Atheist, MrRepzion are showing the complete and utter fallacies of creationism are in the scientific community.

I think when it comes to learning my own origins as a human on the planet earth it's better to trust the people who understand the scientific meaning of 'Theory' and don't just assume that word means "Made it up". I have always been skeptical and evidence should not have to be a dirty word. Atheists should not have a stigma and be less trusted than rapists in a country founded on freedom being the right of all sentient beings. I suggest to anyone else who want's to question their own existence to read more than the Bible, Qur'an and Torah. Check out actual scientific papers written by people who know what it is they are talking about and have continued to study actual origins literally.

The point of the matter is it's good to say "I Don't Know" rather than to make up random stuff on the spot to justify magic wizards.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

God's Not Dead - Christianty's Last Ditch Effort to Convert people with Captain Dillon Hunt

In the first 5 minute intro song we are already introduced to the characters. The main Josh Wheaton who is wearing his Newsboys shirt while walking around campus with his blonde girlfriend who looks just like Eye-Candy for his Christianity mind of his. Then we see the Asian dude on a bike who looks like he could be the films comedy guy pulling a "Two jews walk into a bar" joke. not soon after we see a Muslim girl with her father telling her to tighten up her Burka because they are already trying to do a pissing contest of whose religion gives less rights to women.

The first scenes of anything even close to action are when the Islam chick takes off her Burka as her father leaves the college and our main character Josh Wheaton getting set up for Philosophy 150 with
Hercules Raddisson. soon after the Asian guy gets his classes and the islam chick just walks down. Other characters we are introduced to are workaholic chick with car problems and Business CEO Not Superman Dean Cane. After that little round of bullshit we are introduced to a old woman with Alzheimers who can't remember jack shit and is being watched constantly by what I will assume is the daughter.

Already this movie has way to much characters than it needs. which could either hold the pace of the indoctrination and scientific illiteracy or bring on a debate of a couple fake atheists for their pro-christian propaganda. We shall see.

Now we enter a scene where the 3 kids, Josh Wheaton, Asian Dude and Islam Chick all enter Professor Raddissons class room. Raddisson starts his lecture by telling his class that its going to be hard and quoting from a list of names on a board, including that of Richard Dawkins. Then he points out that all the names on the board were/are Athiests. Which apparently Mr. Raddisson is as well but not a very good one at that. Then we get to a scene where a man picks up another man from the airport and thanks god for getting to his destination safe instead of thanking the people who were in charge of the fucking plane ala stockholm syndrome.

 we then return to where we then return to the students in Mr. Raddissons class who are being asked to sign a piece of paper with "god Is Dead" and have their signature. Josh Wheaton seems displeased as he is obviously the big time christian in this movie. A normal Philosophy teacher wouldn't do this kind of bullshit. even an Atheist one. they are trying to pull the Indoctrination card on us now.
After he decided not to sign it they play it as if Wheaton is the only christian in the class and do the classic PERSECUTION PERSECUTION bullshit tactic that many conservative groups are now doing lately.

Then we go to the lunch room where Josh Wheatons girlfriend is giving him a mouth full for his irrational bullshit towards fighting a professor in his challenge. Apparently Josh Wheaton wants to go to law school and most likely be a Lawyer. So chances are he already has the lying part down by being apart of a cult full of lies.

Then out of nowhere we get to a scene with Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty walking into someplace or just being in this movie because it attracts nascar loving rednecks for jesus. they get an interview with this redhead who is all PETA wannabe. figures in a movie about Bible Thumping idiots we get low teir PETA getting bitched at by Willie and Cory Robertson. Soon after they bitch at her they pull out a bible verse and pascals wager on the girl. pathetic. I knew this fallacy was going to come out here somehow.

Then we get to the Gorgeous Islamic chick putting her burka back on because her father looks like a Al-Queda Kingpin. Muslim traditions even allow them to beat their women/girls if they do not wear their Burka's or headbands. Pathetic. even more so in a CHRISTIAN INDOCTRINATION MOVIE.
then we get to her father talking about how Christians don't worship God the way he wants to be worshipped. so Fallacy number 2, Comparing Muslims Allah to Christians Yahweh. way to go movie. keep on proving you're shit. for a short while we see PETAgirl ignoring Not Superman Dean Cane to write a blog about how The Robertson's murder innocent ducks while also having his WIKIPEDIA page up for a resource. Then when wheaton talks to a pastor at a local church he tells josh to read
Matthew 10:32-33 to try and curb stomp raddisson. Which Ironically were the same lines Willie Robertson used on that PETAgirl. lol.

PETAgirl has Cancer. The pastor and his friend are traveling to Disneyland without saying any copywritten stuff to avoid a lawsuit. funny as fuck. so now we're at a part where Wheaton has to show his case in a debate over god existing or not. I swear if Kevin Sorbo doesn't say "It's never easy" in this movie I am going to lose my shit. The first words in Josh's statement are the fallacy "Moving the burden of proof". A tactic used by Christians who can't show proof of a god to challenge none-believers to show no proof. it never works right on either side. Aside from the fallacy he shows a AVI of the big bang and claims bad science when his bible is in fact bad science. Mr.Raddisson pulls out a quote from Stephen Hawking about the universes self expansion and completely pwns Wheatons Burdon Of Proof bullshit. then he pulls him to the side and states "There is a god in that classroom and I am him. I'm also a Jealous God." For someone who claims to be a christian like Wheaton. they would have picked up on that statement instantly.

we then go to a scene where Aisha the ironically named islamic girl gets home and listeneds to Franklin Graham. one of the biggest scam artists of all time. Her brother while playing Stock Handheld device decides to pause it and see what she is listening to. she then yells at her brother not to tell her huge fucking father. I think we all know where this is going to go. In Muslim tradition. if you leave Muslim you are to be killed. PETAgirl tells Dean Cane that she has cancer and Dean Cane acts like a fucking dick which is totally not what any logical Atheist would do. We come to Martin the Asian dude talking to josh about Christianity and whatnot. The pastor and the friend try the car and it doesn't start. Superstition in plotpoints lol. So we learn they are all connected because Dean Cane is the brother in law to raddisson, the old woman is the mom of the woman raddisson is dating. pieces coming together. all for one bullshit story.

So there is a big dinner in Raddissons house with more and more PERSECUTION PERSECUTION PERSECUTION bullshit. this seems to be a mainstay in this movie. so we're back to the Whine thing. PERSECUTION PERSECUTION PERSECUTION bullshit again and again. We see PETAgirl getting an MRI and Josh bringing more to his debate probably with more misused science and bad fallacies. Yup. Quote Mining and pulling Double Circular Reasoning. Figures. More Quote mining and trying to disprove evolution. Darwin isn't even apart of the modern theory of evolution. even the writers of this movie could have looked that up and seen that it is observable. dumbasses. Then we learn that the reason why Mr. Raddisson is an Atheist is because his mother died of cancer or something. He does say one of the truest lines "You see wheaton, some of the most hardcore Atheists used to be Christians. but we took the blinders off.  " Now we're at a scene where the muslim father beats the shit out of his daughter. I like how this movie shows how pointless religion is even by being a movie about converting to religion.

Raddissons hot girlfriend leaves him over religion. PETAgirl goes crazy because she doesn't understand science enough to break off the cancer Aisha goes to the pastor and the asian talks to his father about god and gets him pissed because of family honor and that same stereotype. then in another debate with raddisson wheaton pulls the fucking "I'm a christian I own all morality" claim. my least favorite fallacy because you know when someone pulls it out that they base their morality on a book that encourages rape, murder, incest, genocide and slavery. and after that bullshit back to the basic "You're an Atheist, Do you hate god?" ATHIESTS DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD "Science proves his existence" Got evidence to back that up Josh Wheaton? To go with the propaganda in this film Martin stands up and gets the whole class to say "God's Not Dead". If I were to do a drinking game of how many times that is said I would have alcohol poisoning.

We then see the pastor and the friend pray to the car to get it to start. Dean Cane being an ass to his mother. which is not atheist like at all. this is mostly just stuff for the trailer. Oh shit here we go. Devil vs God bullshit mentioned. I hate the coin toss fallacy. now Raddisson is reading his mothers note and NewsBoys are about to have a concert. then Newsboys pray for Amy. Then during the concert Professor Raddisson gets ran over in a hit and run and the pastor and the friend tell him to worship jesus. Pascals Wager even as the dude is dying. Are you fucking kidding me? so because this is a christian movie he accepts because Kevin Sorbo is a born again in real life. wheres my fucking Andromeda Sequel Movie? Then right after the guy fucking dies Willie Robertson tells people to boo at him and to text people 'god's not dead'. then Wheaton most likely hooks up with Aisha the islamic chick.

Final Thought: This movie is perfect if you are already a christian. But if you try and show this movie to an Atheist who knows his science because Josh displayed a huge lack of knowledge in that department almost as deplorable as Joshua Feuerstein. This movie is going to be ripped apart by other great atheists like Dusty, JaclynG and The Amazing Atheist. I have a bad feeling this movie is going to spawn a sequel. it already spawned a clone by the name of "A matter of faith".On another note Raddisson, Dean Canes character and Amy are not how Atheists act at all. Atheists are caring people who have been persecuted more than any christian before.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Uchu Kita! Space is too awesome for Young Earth Creationists.

It's 2014. Actually today is August 1st 2014. The big movie out right now is Guardians Of The Galaxy which is a underrated Marvel Franchise is getting the whole press release mayhem which is actually a good thing. This has little to do with the topic at hand as I am a huge fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Babylon 5, Alien, Metroid, Halo Ultraman and anything that has absolutely anything to do with Intergalactic Space Travel or exploration of the universe at hand.

I am abso-fucking-lutely sick and tired of the arrogance of Young Earth Creationist acting like we are the only things in the universe that fucking matter and that we should completely underfund, deconstruct and destroy everything so far we know about Outer Space because they have a book that is a collection of chapters of how 2 families incest formed the entire planet into being. I really hope that soon we can stop taking them seriously and learn to look at the title of 'Creation Scientist' as if it were a joke handed out at a backroom club in New York City.

Without the space program of the the planet earth we would not have any idea what was going on outside of our planet. telescopes would be a dime a dozen and if something hit like in Russia last year it would be blamed on superstitious means. Sure we may have a huge amount of space junk settling around the atmosphere just chillin but with that alone we know more about our solar system and how everything around it works, where we are in the milkyway galaxy and how to get ourselves settled into space should this planet not be able to contain us.

I could go on for pages about the fantastic potential that NASA and other parts of the space program hold but the point of this blog is to show that Ken Ham, Ray Comfort and Kirk 'Growing Pain in the ass' Cameron once again don't know shit about what they are talking about with their advances into ending the space program so they can greedily fund their fairy tale theme parks which claim and have no evidence of the evolution or big bang formation.

The statement made by Ken Ham to stop the exploration and scientific research by Ken Ham is further proof that his is incredibly still upset that he got his claimed intellectual ass owned by Bill Nye The Science Guy in February of this year. Even though he is sad he continues to collect tax breaks and has recently been approved a 10.3 million dollar loan by the State Of Kentucky to continue on the project known as Noah's Park. The Fictionally Fabulous theme park where Ken Ham and Bullshit In Genesis has to come up with a retarded storyline as to how a drunkard who heard voices in his head magically got 2 of every animals onto his boat.

It generally pisses me off when arrogant con artists like this try and stop the amazing progress of mankind by pronouncing their claim is the right one without any substantial evidence aside from magic and superstition. We have evolved further than this, but sadly there are people who hold onto the childish existences of our past to control and/or manipulate situations and say stupid stuff like this without expecting any repercussions. Answers In Genesis is nothing but a ring of con artists who use the title "Creation Scientists" to attempt to make people believe that the universe as a whole is about 6.000 years old. I long for the day in the future when I alone have children and I hear on some news channel that Answes In Genesis is getting shut down for tax evading millions of dollars.

my points are made. I hope you can understand my frustration. Live Long and Logic.

/Captain B-Money

Friday, May 30, 2014

Morality is a weapon that has a two way trigger.

The biggest misconception that the world faces when it comes to theists is that when they preach all peace and love they represent the completely opposite behind everybody's back. "But it is a guidebook to morality", I'm sure many of you have heard that claim and as shitty as it is it never gets a full blast. If said book[s] were a key to morality as you so claim you would be doing every single rule and placement in it without question and the only people who even do anything like that literally are the monk's who end up living their life without speaking one word.

More and more in my life I see preachers of many different faiths break their ritual grounds to manipulate situations or people in general as if they believe the concept of karma is on their side completely because they choose to worship a deity. Sometimes people who preach about having a one way ticket to their choice of place in rumored afterlife they do more acts of stupidity towards other people and put on acts to get what they want.

I can't think of anything more smug than claiming to have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe and the ability to control the creator of the universe by simply dropping to their knees and praying. It doesn't matter how much buzzwords you use to try and justify things like blocking Human Equality to being a complete dick to people outside of your places of worship.

There are a lot of evangelical preachers of different faiths who need to keep this in mind as well. I don't even need to say names because just by saying the E word your mind is already showing a list of people who either have some high regard in their mannerisms of cherry picking. I would love if their were whistleblowers who would leak how much cash giant places of worship make daily and how much Zero's are in it compared to the rest of the world and where specifically they go. 

Some evangelicals are even so uptight that they want to deny scientific research to help out planet earth because they believe that any kind of catastrophe is a sign from their favorite deity, They would rather the Human Race die out and pretend to go to their afterlife claim as appose to letting scientists fight things such as Climate Change. 

It doesn't matter how much One True Irishmen or Pascals Wager's are thrown at you the fallacy about the book is how people claim to follow said books and obviously do otherwise to fit their every single greedy need.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Religion and Worship hold back Human Equality.

This is probably one of the most obvious aspects of what I have been writing for the past few months but I fight for Human Equality. That means that no form of worship shall stop a person from Getting Married or any other form of Equality that is being held back by Religion and Worship.

For thousands of years Theists have tried to claim the right's of Natural Morality to the point where if you do not worship their chosen deity that in their opinion you are not a moral person in general and they choose to ignore the traits of altruism like Empathy. They have gone so far into this thought process that if you openly admitted you bow to no deity that they will not allow you to work at places of welfare like a homeless shelter or a foster care program.

This brainwashing has been going on for centuries and has been done with countless other deities aside from Yahweh and Allah. Brainwashing people into a deity in general is an age old event that it pretty much is a SuperBowl for Evangelical Famous People.

If you need a deity to make you be a decent person, then you aren't a decent person, it's as simple as that and saying that you're selfless for the sake of being selfless is a lie within its own when you worship any deity because all forms of religion and worship have some kind of EndGame Reward that they preach about when they die. 

I live a happy life writing and working to make people happy with their lives as they are now, I enjoy cooking for people, biking with people, generally walking and discussing things with people and I would bend myself to help them even if their emotions aren't entirely logical or they are not thinking straight at all to the point of mental mutilation. I am a Secular Humanist. I bow to no God's. Have a nice day. 


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

2014: Year of Biblical Indoctrination Movies.

We are in the middle of the year 2014. This year has seen some amazing stuff from Captain America 2, The Casting for Star Wars Episode 7 and the Scientifically Accurate world of Carl Sagan and Neil DeGrasse Tyson's 13 episode re imagining of Cosmos. This year so far has got some amazing entertainment and that can't be denied.

However. Noah, God's Not Dead, A matter of faith, Son Of God. Etc. Are coming out of the woodwork like crazy lately. I think it has something to do with the movie Noah opening the door for more Worship Films to become mainstream or because the Religious people finally have a Niche market where shitty 2Million Dollar movies can make 260Million in 2 months.

Let's start with the first. Noah. Noah is directed by an Atheist to be a Fictional Re-Imagining of the Fictional Story of Genesis Chapters in the bible. Since the movies arrival into theaters Conservative Christians have been making meme's at each other pointing out which parts don't belong in their favorite version of Genesis. I personally find that hilarious, I will always find different sects that worship the same thing fighting amongst each other to be hilarious.

Next we have Son Of God which is basically all of the piece's of the Jesus Tale from The History Channel's 'The Bible' all rolled into one movie for those who don't own TV's or who want to watch it all in one sitting to be happy. Once again there is major fighting among sects. The character alone is a white guy based off of Ceasre Borgia in the middle fucking east and well.... You can find more fallacies in this movie then you could a King James Bible.

God's Not Dead and A Matter Of Faith are basically the same movie just retold in different perspectives, God's Not Dead is about a really generic stereotypical wannabe atheist by the name of Mr.Radisson who teaches Theology and Mythology inside a high school and tells his students to write "God Is Dead." on their pieces of paper because that is 75% of their starting grade thus being challenged by a kid in a NewsBoy's T-Shirt with a Silver Rosary on him who has been indoctrinated his entire life. there is some story about some Asian dude and a Muslim Chick who are skeptical in general but it doesn't get much leeway because of Kevin Pretend Atheist Sorbo and a badly named main character by the name of Josh Wheaton, Joss Wheadon should sue.

A matter of faith is a girls prospective in a different school because she was raised alone and indoctrinated by her father from the start. When the father finds out that Biology Classes all around the state don't teach their made up bullshit known as 'Creationism' he loses his shit and tries to do a Nye-Ham Style debate because that is relevant still and because these movies like teaching you to evade rational thought.

I already own all of Kirk "Couldn't make enough movie after growing pains so I became a Christian" Cameron's Left Behind movies so unless truly asked I will not review them. I don't need to see the piece of shit movies I listed above because they are pretty much predictable. Have a nice day.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Some Reality A Day, Breaks The Faith Away.

Secular Humanism is the desire to get along with others, to a morally just person in society without the need, want, nor belief of deities. To be good without the expectation of reward or punishment after death. Someone that believes in equality for all of the human race. We strive for progress through Scientific Method and are on an adventure to do amazing things like Cure Cancer, End War, End Poverty, End Hunger, End Homelessness and are trying to make life worth living for all humanity, not dying for.

The word bible is from the town of Biblos Lebanon, where they made parchment/paper, stuff to write on nothing to do with religion About the meaning of the word "Qu'ran" here are the two famous opinions: 1) it is driven from al-Qar` meaning `to collect`. 2) It is driven from `Qara` (to recite). The word Torah comes from the words 'Teaching' and 'Instruction'. Which again these mean nothing related to religion and worship. Secularists take forgiveness to the extreme and are often threatened with damnation for it. 

The Zealotry Genocidal Ages was about a thousand years ago when Knights Templar,Jihad's and a bunch of other warriors within religious ranks slaughtered about 2 Billion scientists ,100 million Pagans, millions of Free Thinkers, Thousands of Scholars, Ton's of Questioning Children.. Had this event not happened we would be 1000 years more advanced than we are now.It may take centuries for us to catch up to where we could have been but one thing is for sure as long as another Dark Age's doesn't happen Science,Tolerance,Rationality and Reason will guide us towards the stars and possibly further.

We Secularists want nothing more than for people to realize that the fictional characters of which they draw from their delusions are nothing but imagination and countless mental projections which are either a crutch or a fantasy. Secularism, Agnosticism, Atheism and Humanism are based around living a life for what it is and not being irrational unreasonable or just plain unbelievable. Faith in its meaning is to believe in something and trust in it without evidence or question. Faith is a disease, Investigation is a virtue. I hope as time goes on ritualistic tradition through superstitious extremes becomes a minor part of our past. 

When it comes to learning about Science, Morality, Tolerance Don't say no, Just live more knowing that we have been selectively chosen for this planet through catastrophic events in the galaxy that has helped form us into a species of knowledge seeking individuals who want the Forbidden Fruit of life to be an adventure without dogmatic undead tales of pits of fire and ice. We are going through a transition right now where Secularism through reality is growing at a rapid rate and our  myth's are turning into nothing but fairy tales meant to scare children. Blasphemy is a dying art and being known as a heretic is becoming a compliment.

Morality can be gained without threats of damnation. Kindness is a human trait we gain from birth and it grows or dies depending on the situations in our life, pages in a book or books are not going to give someone the ability to be Righteously Indigenous to other humans because of faith.  Secularism fights for the rights of all mankind. Gay,Straight,Lesbian,Bisexual,Purple,Green,Tran-sexual, whatever it is. yet we are not claiming to be superior in anyway because we live our lives based on evidence and facts over stories and myths. after all, we're only human. and we use that to help other humans and often times other animals as well.


Friday, April 11, 2014

Superstitous expectations bring a loss of realization.

Faith is the irrational reason killer that traps the mind in a state where there is nothing but bowing and worship of deities that hold the ultimate mythology known as religious belief. Millions and millions of pages exist of scientific evidence of human evolution that famous creationists are trying to hijack the name of science in the name of there unproven deity. "Religious Freedom's" and "Traditional Family Values" are terms used by fundamentalist worshipers to attain a hold on a verity of people based on versions of their texts.

Personal Experiences aren't proof of anything, That's why psychic's and fortunetellers get so little attention these days with the scientific advancements we've made. These worshipers get off easy when it comes to the point where they are not charged for the enforceability of getting someone of a different race,gender,sexual orientation or even opposite religion to commit suicidal acts. When I mention "Their Deity" I do not just mean one particular Supernatural Being, I am talking about the over 9000 deities since Human-kind was first formed and all the 47 million denominations of said faiths over the few millions of years we as a species have walked this planet earth and bowed to something or another. 

All forms of religion and worship have a few basic psychological characteristics. cognitive dissonance, hypertension, sleep deprivation and even hallucination's are a major cause for what is keeping the the large numbers of individuals into the hierarchy of many religious establishments. Without the advancements in Psychological Medicine we would not have figured out what causes Mental Images to seem Physical to a normal human mind. As we grow further in getting to know ourselves through science fables of divinity fade into an abyss of unstable paradox's which have no facts to base themselves upon except for Child Indoctrination,Forceful Slavery, Gender and Sexual Intolerance and Capitalistic Bribery.  

Theology is slowly becoming Mythology with a tasty reward should one bow down to their many religions and worships of which there are many to choose and I look forward to a time when Religion has not hijacked words like "Kindness","Morality" and "Love" in order to use those words as a filthy directive to collect on the minds of the innocent to further the many dying needs of the last few entitled. When there is a mountain of facts brought up from years and years of research in thousands of languages you have to realize that maybe one type of text doesn't have all the answers.

By disclaiming the idea of a next life we can take more excitement to this one. The here and now is not something to be endured for none-evidenced rewards or eternal damnation, The here and now is all we have and should not go ungrateful upon itself. So inspire yourself to make the most of what short time you have on this planet. This universe has a timeline that is so vast it is sad to see evangelicals take it all for nothing for a deity.What makes us different from the other animals on this planet is that we are naturally capable of gaining empathy and the only ones we have to thank for that is ourselves. Without empathy we are no different from Lion's hunting down and eating dire-wolves.
Fighting Dogmatic Superstition and Irrational Fear Mongering is what makes us better than the Animals all over the world.

I admit we as humans are not perfect but we are in a stage where are morality is overcoming our theology, it is only a matter of time till religion and worship is gone and Scientific Theory, Human Tolerance, and Natural Logic come into play and we become a species that rids itself of War,Greed,Hunger,Oppression and Hostility amongst ourselves. by then we should be mature enough to explore the stars from riding the skies than in our little sphere. I only hope that a Roddenberry-style future is closer in the midst of Humanity than it is in the midst of Mythological Fiction.


Assimilate This!

When logic fails false claims of love will be withered with the threats of angry recipients afraid of reason. I have had enough of people claiming their prophet is the one 'true' prophet either brought forth by some illogical manner or a common human 'blessed' by neural superstitious intellect.  My question is whether or not you can confess that your prophet is come in the flesh, not whether or not you claim to know them personally. My question is how can you claim moral superiority either through a title and use that claim to regress the state of human mental evolution while claiming that what you are doing is for truth? 

Thing most religious people seem to forget to grasp is that even though their clan is spaced out in different names and structures that if they bow to the same prophet they are all logically in the same clan no matter what stories each clan tends to favor over one another. These clans tend to hate each other enough to write so called literature name calling and pestering each other to try and prove how morally superior said clan or clans are. Sadly it doesn't just go between clan's, any individual who doe's not agree with their version of 'Normal' people of said clans who have a said title of authority or large groups of pissed off clans people will charge at said individual faster than a Mexican Bison aiming for a red waving fabric. this includes place's of learning secular education. 

Human's are animal's no matter how you put it. the only reason we have any sense of morality is because we know through natural progression of the human mind the difference between right and wrong and thinking it comes from fables or clan guidebook's is about as illogical as saying that the earth's moon was once a striving planet full of 4 chicken-wing legged taco sentient beings who ended up exploring the galaxy with the use of telekinetic wormhole praying from a soda canned figurehead who taught cannibalism through righteous means. I think we can all agree that there is no logic in that but I'll come back to that in a sec. what matters now is the specifics of the fallacy of faith. 

Buzzwords for false rewards is the biggest killer of logic. It can be anything along the lines of "Salvation","Virgins","Godhood","Eternal Spirit" or anything of the like and the primate instincts of the illogical human complex will beg,give ones life,give ones funds or even just be completely brainwashed that words like "Science" will be easily confused with Pseudoscience. Secular idealism is being attacked all the time lately where as if this were the bronze age of which most clans books take place such ideals would be enough to have a person hung,tortured,decapitated or brutal inhumane 'justices'. 

I hope you understand the points I have made in this and that you will start to question everything. When I was younger I sadly didn't want to question because of Ego. Now I am questioning and truth is just a word used by misguided individuals. I rather enjoy Reality. 


Get your worship out of my government.

Seperation of Church and State is a saying that was originally used by Thomas Jefferson, Right now I am living in the 21st century and this saying seems to have been forgotten or taken out of context. The United States Of America was founded with secular ideals to forward itself into the great empire that it is today. The Establishment Clause of the first amendment on the Constitution clearly states that this continent is PROHIBITED from the establishment of any national religion being liked above

any other or any religion at all. The Free Exercise Clause of the united states clearly states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof..." So let me ask you. Why are we already favoring one God above the several thousands to choose from? We already broke the constitution in 1956 when we put "In God We Trust" on our Paper Money. In 1864 In God We Trust was put on our coins as well.

This is one thing that really grinds my gears. People aren't even taking the constitution seriously enough that we have already broken through it about 150 years ago because of the many wars we have been in and the many off continent bases we have,

John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and George Washington were all secular freemasons who vowed never to let this country turn into a country ruled under one religion. Sure we have had a few settlements made entirely out of Cathloic and Protestant colony's but the fact still remains that the 'new world' as described by Christopher Columbus was to be secular. as in. Free to worship. But not to have worship on federal and diplomatic estates. this alone is why the 4th part of the Star Spangled Banner was taken out during National Sports Games.

Article 6 of the United States Constitution also states "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." which is clearly now irrelevent because it is illegal to be an Atheist or secularist in office in Texas, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Maryland, Mississippi,Arkansas and South Carolina. Which alone also breaks the constitution and any secular laws written for those states.

Treaty Of Tripoli Article 11 states "As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries" Which in its clear text states IT IS NOT A NATION UNDER ANY GOD.

This has become so vibrant and misused in the last century that if the founding fathers were ever to return from the dead they would smack the shit out of every public servant since their demise and get "In god we trust." taken off of our currency and make sure that it is entirely clear that the united states and its government are formed upon secular notions of free speech, They would also feel insulted with prayer and worship being decided upon in Secular Public Schools where Creationism has its own place in churches, synagogs, temples and tombs.

I say. Let Secularism into the government where it belongs and stop the none-nonsensical worship that keeps us from progressing into a better place in the world. Science, Tolarence, Logic and Secularism will win out in the end. Even when this empire falls.


Randomness 2014

On the average day I deal with every single human emotion that a person is capable of expressing. I have people enraged at me for correcting their horrible spelling and grammar, I have people begging me to help them with something or another, I have people who have me spend about 60 hours just giving them advice only for them to ignore it hours later. It's a good thing I'm a logical person who is very tolerant of human error or else I would have been insane by now. That's one good thing, Right? Only time will tell.

I stand for many things. Many of them get me ridiculed but I've learned not to give a shit about that over time and just fight for my causes, I Believe in Same-Sex Marriage, Separation of Church And State, Higher Minimum Wage, Animal Rights, as well as abiding by the countries Bill Of Rights, Constitution and other things made by our founding fathers, Most of which were Secular Atheists.

When I give people advice I hope that all the power in the universe helps them to actually listen to my logic so their problem would end up not being a problem at all, Yet for a few friends who I will not name they keep going back to making themselves sad or just not being logical at all with what I have given them. I've almost had enough of it but I have enough morality to try and drill it into their heads time and time again so at some point in life they can finally get to saying "I finally get it".

I guess it's good that I am who I am today because of Reality, Fact and Logic have touched me, I like Science, Probably more than I care about History or Food at times. Science is going to change the world more and more than anything and its sad so many people don't accept it. I'm getting carried away. My point is my friends need to listen, Stop worrying so much and try to live life as if it were their only one. I'm sick of getting into petty arguments over stupid shit when right now alone there have been 12 murders under the guise of Religion, Ukraine is in a huge revolt that looks like a cover the a Call Of Duty Game, President Obama is actually going to start doing shit and fight for Marriage Equality and NASA and other Science Organizations aren't getting jack shit of funding lately.

Why I'm A Secular Humanist

I don't believe in God. I used to. Back when I was nothing but a child who didn't know shit about shit. Now I'm an adult who spends most of his time reading books and different types of texts through PDF and whatnot. I've gone to church all my life. Different kinds as well. But they are all the same or some sort of version within itself. In Christianity alone there are more than Forty Thousand denominations for all cherry picked parts of several books in the Bible.

Science,Logic and Tolerance are thing's I value. Back when I was little I didn't know who was gay, lesbian, trans or whatever. Now that I'm an adult people tell me their choice and I choose the logical path of enjoying their company and letting them live their life without having to burn them at the stake or stone them for the choice of which they make. Things are changing, More and more people are becoming Rational and letting the moral choices take over what they have been taught in fairy tales. I don't just despise Christianity for the negative it brings but I despise Islam, Pastafarian and just about anything else that takes Fairy Tales out of context.

The Universe is fucking huge and all of the major holy books only take place in a small circle about 2% of the planet. Wrath of God or Allah my ass because there is always scientific evidence for things such as storms and natural disasters. What makes us so fucking special that an entity or two want's to make all of this shit for us?

Free Will is a lie. In all different kinds of holy books there is a double crossed lie about having free will. I guess that didn't stop Mohammad from fucking a 9 year old girl. Jehovah is a jealous, childish and all around dumb character in essence. Rib Woman incest with a hint of murdering millions compared to Lucifer's 10. Yeah... Makes sense right?

There is some good from Religion if it gets off its ass and feeds the poor as well as help those who are not well educated in science. But aside from that It's just as much a Stage Show as Live Action Role Playing is for D&D fans. Just one with lots and lots of profit and a promise for some sort of endgame reward.

Doing some research on the Bible and comparing the "evil" of "Satan" vs. the "Goodness" of "God." Why is "Satan" viewed as "evil" when he only killed ten people in the Bible, but God kills exactly 2,476,633 and is "good." These are the actual numbers, not estimates listed in "The Good Book." Something to toss out to the religious people you know and watch their heads explode.

Well, look at the god character. He has an absolute need to be worshiped and loved over anything else. He created the universe, billions of stars and planets, just so these imperfect humans would love him? This insatiable need for love can be attributed to most dictators and serial killers. Hardly something to aspire to.

Sin is a made up concept to enlist fear which a person or group of people can easily control in order to gain advantage over and claim that person or people as their personal mind slaves for sending out to indoctrinate the fear in the young,the old, the homeless,the faithless and the misguided. Logic dictates that Faith is not a feeling but a lack of Logic through Science.

This universe is bigger and older than I think we even can count but the fact that we turned into a sentient species we have the right to somehow be above all else. All Holy Figures are pretty much adult versions of Santa, The Easter Bunny and The Great Pumpkin, There is no psychical evidence of any of their existence because we as a species are old and have lost a lot to natural disasters.

I believe that far beyond when I am dead and gone Science, Logic and Tolerance will be a mainstay for humanity and all sorts of negative things like Poverty, Crime, Terrorism, War will have ended for us as a race to expand beyond this cradle that we call Planet Earth. First though we must expand our minds instead of our faiths. Faith is bad science. Faith is a trusting in a feeling with out evidence.

I believe all claimed experiences of Ghosts, Hell, Heaven, Alien Abduction and Seeing 'God'.'Jesus','Flying Spaghetti Monster' are all just hallucinations in the mind that we have developed during a phase of reality which our brain can not handle without familiar teachings.

I am a Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Science individual who saw what I was doing wrong in trusting in a being or beings who are without proof of existing, I trust solely on whatever the earth is revolving around and I hope for scientific discoveries to continue to grow and become as frequent as they have for the last 50 years. I believe everyone has rights and they should not be forced into slavery or other forms of torture because of their belief.

Religion can emulate traditional therapies, but it shifts responsibility to an unknowable force. Belief does nothing to solve real problems. One reason we are easily indoctrinated into religion is that we are so adaptable. We learn our customs and beliefs and become comfortable. Claiming that your particular god, ghost, or other supernatural force or entity is conveniently beyond proof is rigging the game.

Many people spend huge parts of their lives worshiping things that have never been shown to exist. What does that say about human nature? If a Creator-God existed and wanted me to believe, it wouldn't have made me a skeptic and rationalist. Evidence is far too important to me. Believing in an interventionist, prayer-answering deity means ignoring all scientific data on prayer in favor of wishfuthinking.

You can teach your children to worship a head of lettuce and, provided there's the right amount of fear instilled, the belief will persist. The Bible isn't "evil," it's just a stagnant collection of works from authors with different ideas on life, death, salvation, and morality. If there's a god, it knows what evidence is and has refused to do provide it. That doesn't seem like a god that wants to be worshiped to me.

Religions concern themselves with preserving and worshiping myths as realities, without regard to substantial evidence to the contrary. Some movements have no leaders, gurus, or evangelizers. Just people unified by rational ideas about objective realities. Legends are legends because they have a certain power over us. The idea of a legend walking in the front door is astronomically illogical.

Feel free to threaten me with your version of "Hell," but I don't base my beliefs on vague, supernatural, post-mortem threats of violence. I'm a skeptic because I don't see the value in having false beliefs, and because beliefs that are true aren't harmed by healthy criticism. I'm more comfortable accepting scientific understandings of origin — as opposed to accepting cultural myths as reality out of familiarity. "Blasphemy" is a flawed concept. It's illogical that an omnipotent deity would want to protect itself from criticism from its own creations.

Religious people aren't stupid. The average believer is guilty of nothing more than gullibility, wishful thinking, and being indoctrinated. Whether you think religion is a force for good or bad in the world, religious ideas are demonstrably false. False ideas can always be bad. Church would be better if clergymen educated followers on the Bible,Quran,Book or Mormon in their entirety, as opposed to picking-and-choosing arbitrary passages.