Friday, April 11, 2014

Superstitous expectations bring a loss of realization.

Faith is the irrational reason killer that traps the mind in a state where there is nothing but bowing and worship of deities that hold the ultimate mythology known as religious belief. Millions and millions of pages exist of scientific evidence of human evolution that famous creationists are trying to hijack the name of science in the name of there unproven deity. "Religious Freedom's" and "Traditional Family Values" are terms used by fundamentalist worshipers to attain a hold on a verity of people based on versions of their texts.

Personal Experiences aren't proof of anything, That's why psychic's and fortunetellers get so little attention these days with the scientific advancements we've made. These worshipers get off easy when it comes to the point where they are not charged for the enforceability of getting someone of a different race,gender,sexual orientation or even opposite religion to commit suicidal acts. When I mention "Their Deity" I do not just mean one particular Supernatural Being, I am talking about the over 9000 deities since Human-kind was first formed and all the 47 million denominations of said faiths over the few millions of years we as a species have walked this planet earth and bowed to something or another. 

All forms of religion and worship have a few basic psychological characteristics. cognitive dissonance, hypertension, sleep deprivation and even hallucination's are a major cause for what is keeping the the large numbers of individuals into the hierarchy of many religious establishments. Without the advancements in Psychological Medicine we would not have figured out what causes Mental Images to seem Physical to a normal human mind. As we grow further in getting to know ourselves through science fables of divinity fade into an abyss of unstable paradox's which have no facts to base themselves upon except for Child Indoctrination,Forceful Slavery, Gender and Sexual Intolerance and Capitalistic Bribery.  

Theology is slowly becoming Mythology with a tasty reward should one bow down to their many religions and worships of which there are many to choose and I look forward to a time when Religion has not hijacked words like "Kindness","Morality" and "Love" in order to use those words as a filthy directive to collect on the minds of the innocent to further the many dying needs of the last few entitled. When there is a mountain of facts brought up from years and years of research in thousands of languages you have to realize that maybe one type of text doesn't have all the answers.

By disclaiming the idea of a next life we can take more excitement to this one. The here and now is not something to be endured for none-evidenced rewards or eternal damnation, The here and now is all we have and should not go ungrateful upon itself. So inspire yourself to make the most of what short time you have on this planet. This universe has a timeline that is so vast it is sad to see evangelicals take it all for nothing for a deity.What makes us different from the other animals on this planet is that we are naturally capable of gaining empathy and the only ones we have to thank for that is ourselves. Without empathy we are no different from Lion's hunting down and eating dire-wolves.
Fighting Dogmatic Superstition and Irrational Fear Mongering is what makes us better than the Animals all over the world.

I admit we as humans are not perfect but we are in a stage where are morality is overcoming our theology, it is only a matter of time till religion and worship is gone and Scientific Theory, Human Tolerance, and Natural Logic come into play and we become a species that rids itself of War,Greed,Hunger,Oppression and Hostility amongst ourselves. by then we should be mature enough to explore the stars from riding the skies than in our little sphere. I only hope that a Roddenberry-style future is closer in the midst of Humanity than it is in the midst of Mythological Fiction.


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