Saturday, April 19, 2014

Some Reality A Day, Breaks The Faith Away.

Secular Humanism is the desire to get along with others, to a morally just person in society without the need, want, nor belief of deities. To be good without the expectation of reward or punishment after death. Someone that believes in equality for all of the human race. We strive for progress through Scientific Method and are on an adventure to do amazing things like Cure Cancer, End War, End Poverty, End Hunger, End Homelessness and are trying to make life worth living for all humanity, not dying for.

The word bible is from the town of Biblos Lebanon, where they made parchment/paper, stuff to write on nothing to do with religion About the meaning of the word "Qu'ran" here are the two famous opinions: 1) it is driven from al-Qar` meaning `to collect`. 2) It is driven from `Qara` (to recite). The word Torah comes from the words 'Teaching' and 'Instruction'. Which again these mean nothing related to religion and worship. Secularists take forgiveness to the extreme and are often threatened with damnation for it. 

The Zealotry Genocidal Ages was about a thousand years ago when Knights Templar,Jihad's and a bunch of other warriors within religious ranks slaughtered about 2 Billion scientists ,100 million Pagans, millions of Free Thinkers, Thousands of Scholars, Ton's of Questioning Children.. Had this event not happened we would be 1000 years more advanced than we are now.It may take centuries for us to catch up to where we could have been but one thing is for sure as long as another Dark Age's doesn't happen Science,Tolerance,Rationality and Reason will guide us towards the stars and possibly further.

We Secularists want nothing more than for people to realize that the fictional characters of which they draw from their delusions are nothing but imagination and countless mental projections which are either a crutch or a fantasy. Secularism, Agnosticism, Atheism and Humanism are based around living a life for what it is and not being irrational unreasonable or just plain unbelievable. Faith in its meaning is to believe in something and trust in it without evidence or question. Faith is a disease, Investigation is a virtue. I hope as time goes on ritualistic tradition through superstitious extremes becomes a minor part of our past. 

When it comes to learning about Science, Morality, Tolerance Don't say no, Just live more knowing that we have been selectively chosen for this planet through catastrophic events in the galaxy that has helped form us into a species of knowledge seeking individuals who want the Forbidden Fruit of life to be an adventure without dogmatic undead tales of pits of fire and ice. We are going through a transition right now where Secularism through reality is growing at a rapid rate and our  myth's are turning into nothing but fairy tales meant to scare children. Blasphemy is a dying art and being known as a heretic is becoming a compliment.

Morality can be gained without threats of damnation. Kindness is a human trait we gain from birth and it grows or dies depending on the situations in our life, pages in a book or books are not going to give someone the ability to be Righteously Indigenous to other humans because of faith.  Secularism fights for the rights of all mankind. Gay,Straight,Lesbian,Bisexual,Purple,Green,Tran-sexual, whatever it is. yet we are not claiming to be superior in anyway because we live our lives based on evidence and facts over stories and myths. after all, we're only human. and we use that to help other humans and often times other animals as well.


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