Friday, April 11, 2014

Why I'm A Secular Humanist

I don't believe in God. I used to. Back when I was nothing but a child who didn't know shit about shit. Now I'm an adult who spends most of his time reading books and different types of texts through PDF and whatnot. I've gone to church all my life. Different kinds as well. But they are all the same or some sort of version within itself. In Christianity alone there are more than Forty Thousand denominations for all cherry picked parts of several books in the Bible.

Science,Logic and Tolerance are thing's I value. Back when I was little I didn't know who was gay, lesbian, trans or whatever. Now that I'm an adult people tell me their choice and I choose the logical path of enjoying their company and letting them live their life without having to burn them at the stake or stone them for the choice of which they make. Things are changing, More and more people are becoming Rational and letting the moral choices take over what they have been taught in fairy tales. I don't just despise Christianity for the negative it brings but I despise Islam, Pastafarian and just about anything else that takes Fairy Tales out of context.

The Universe is fucking huge and all of the major holy books only take place in a small circle about 2% of the planet. Wrath of God or Allah my ass because there is always scientific evidence for things such as storms and natural disasters. What makes us so fucking special that an entity or two want's to make all of this shit for us?

Free Will is a lie. In all different kinds of holy books there is a double crossed lie about having free will. I guess that didn't stop Mohammad from fucking a 9 year old girl. Jehovah is a jealous, childish and all around dumb character in essence. Rib Woman incest with a hint of murdering millions compared to Lucifer's 10. Yeah... Makes sense right?

There is some good from Religion if it gets off its ass and feeds the poor as well as help those who are not well educated in science. But aside from that It's just as much a Stage Show as Live Action Role Playing is for D&D fans. Just one with lots and lots of profit and a promise for some sort of endgame reward.

Doing some research on the Bible and comparing the "evil" of "Satan" vs. the "Goodness" of "God." Why is "Satan" viewed as "evil" when he only killed ten people in the Bible, but God kills exactly 2,476,633 and is "good." These are the actual numbers, not estimates listed in "The Good Book." Something to toss out to the religious people you know and watch their heads explode.

Well, look at the god character. He has an absolute need to be worshiped and loved over anything else. He created the universe, billions of stars and planets, just so these imperfect humans would love him? This insatiable need for love can be attributed to most dictators and serial killers. Hardly something to aspire to.

Sin is a made up concept to enlist fear which a person or group of people can easily control in order to gain advantage over and claim that person or people as their personal mind slaves for sending out to indoctrinate the fear in the young,the old, the homeless,the faithless and the misguided. Logic dictates that Faith is not a feeling but a lack of Logic through Science.

This universe is bigger and older than I think we even can count but the fact that we turned into a sentient species we have the right to somehow be above all else. All Holy Figures are pretty much adult versions of Santa, The Easter Bunny and The Great Pumpkin, There is no psychical evidence of any of their existence because we as a species are old and have lost a lot to natural disasters.

I believe that far beyond when I am dead and gone Science, Logic and Tolerance will be a mainstay for humanity and all sorts of negative things like Poverty, Crime, Terrorism, War will have ended for us as a race to expand beyond this cradle that we call Planet Earth. First though we must expand our minds instead of our faiths. Faith is bad science. Faith is a trusting in a feeling with out evidence.

I believe all claimed experiences of Ghosts, Hell, Heaven, Alien Abduction and Seeing 'God'.'Jesus','Flying Spaghetti Monster' are all just hallucinations in the mind that we have developed during a phase of reality which our brain can not handle without familiar teachings.

I am a Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Science individual who saw what I was doing wrong in trusting in a being or beings who are without proof of existing, I trust solely on whatever the earth is revolving around and I hope for scientific discoveries to continue to grow and become as frequent as they have for the last 50 years. I believe everyone has rights and they should not be forced into slavery or other forms of torture because of their belief.

Religion can emulate traditional therapies, but it shifts responsibility to an unknowable force. Belief does nothing to solve real problems. One reason we are easily indoctrinated into religion is that we are so adaptable. We learn our customs and beliefs and become comfortable. Claiming that your particular god, ghost, or other supernatural force or entity is conveniently beyond proof is rigging the game.

Many people spend huge parts of their lives worshiping things that have never been shown to exist. What does that say about human nature? If a Creator-God existed and wanted me to believe, it wouldn't have made me a skeptic and rationalist. Evidence is far too important to me. Believing in an interventionist, prayer-answering deity means ignoring all scientific data on prayer in favor of wishfuthinking.

You can teach your children to worship a head of lettuce and, provided there's the right amount of fear instilled, the belief will persist. The Bible isn't "evil," it's just a stagnant collection of works from authors with different ideas on life, death, salvation, and morality. If there's a god, it knows what evidence is and has refused to do provide it. That doesn't seem like a god that wants to be worshiped to me.

Religions concern themselves with preserving and worshiping myths as realities, without regard to substantial evidence to the contrary. Some movements have no leaders, gurus, or evangelizers. Just people unified by rational ideas about objective realities. Legends are legends because they have a certain power over us. The idea of a legend walking in the front door is astronomically illogical.

Feel free to threaten me with your version of "Hell," but I don't base my beliefs on vague, supernatural, post-mortem threats of violence. I'm a skeptic because I don't see the value in having false beliefs, and because beliefs that are true aren't harmed by healthy criticism. I'm more comfortable accepting scientific understandings of origin — as opposed to accepting cultural myths as reality out of familiarity. "Blasphemy" is a flawed concept. It's illogical that an omnipotent deity would want to protect itself from criticism from its own creations.

Religious people aren't stupid. The average believer is guilty of nothing more than gullibility, wishful thinking, and being indoctrinated. Whether you think religion is a force for good or bad in the world, religious ideas are demonstrably false. False ideas can always be bad. Church would be better if clergymen educated followers on the Bible,Quran,Book or Mormon in their entirety, as opposed to picking-and-choosing arbitrary passages.

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