Friday, April 11, 2014

Randomness 2014

On the average day I deal with every single human emotion that a person is capable of expressing. I have people enraged at me for correcting their horrible spelling and grammar, I have people begging me to help them with something or another, I have people who have me spend about 60 hours just giving them advice only for them to ignore it hours later. It's a good thing I'm a logical person who is very tolerant of human error or else I would have been insane by now. That's one good thing, Right? Only time will tell.

I stand for many things. Many of them get me ridiculed but I've learned not to give a shit about that over time and just fight for my causes, I Believe in Same-Sex Marriage, Separation of Church And State, Higher Minimum Wage, Animal Rights, as well as abiding by the countries Bill Of Rights, Constitution and other things made by our founding fathers, Most of which were Secular Atheists.

When I give people advice I hope that all the power in the universe helps them to actually listen to my logic so their problem would end up not being a problem at all, Yet for a few friends who I will not name they keep going back to making themselves sad or just not being logical at all with what I have given them. I've almost had enough of it but I have enough morality to try and drill it into their heads time and time again so at some point in life they can finally get to saying "I finally get it".

I guess it's good that I am who I am today because of Reality, Fact and Logic have touched me, I like Science, Probably more than I care about History or Food at times. Science is going to change the world more and more than anything and its sad so many people don't accept it. I'm getting carried away. My point is my friends need to listen, Stop worrying so much and try to live life as if it were their only one. I'm sick of getting into petty arguments over stupid shit when right now alone there have been 12 murders under the guise of Religion, Ukraine is in a huge revolt that looks like a cover the a Call Of Duty Game, President Obama is actually going to start doing shit and fight for Marriage Equality and NASA and other Science Organizations aren't getting jack shit of funding lately.

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