Friday, April 11, 2014

Assimilate This!

When logic fails false claims of love will be withered with the threats of angry recipients afraid of reason. I have had enough of people claiming their prophet is the one 'true' prophet either brought forth by some illogical manner or a common human 'blessed' by neural superstitious intellect.  My question is whether or not you can confess that your prophet is come in the flesh, not whether or not you claim to know them personally. My question is how can you claim moral superiority either through a title and use that claim to regress the state of human mental evolution while claiming that what you are doing is for truth? 

Thing most religious people seem to forget to grasp is that even though their clan is spaced out in different names and structures that if they bow to the same prophet they are all logically in the same clan no matter what stories each clan tends to favor over one another. These clans tend to hate each other enough to write so called literature name calling and pestering each other to try and prove how morally superior said clan or clans are. Sadly it doesn't just go between clan's, any individual who doe's not agree with their version of 'Normal' people of said clans who have a said title of authority or large groups of pissed off clans people will charge at said individual faster than a Mexican Bison aiming for a red waving fabric. this includes place's of learning secular education. 

Human's are animal's no matter how you put it. the only reason we have any sense of morality is because we know through natural progression of the human mind the difference between right and wrong and thinking it comes from fables or clan guidebook's is about as illogical as saying that the earth's moon was once a striving planet full of 4 chicken-wing legged taco sentient beings who ended up exploring the galaxy with the use of telekinetic wormhole praying from a soda canned figurehead who taught cannibalism through righteous means. I think we can all agree that there is no logic in that but I'll come back to that in a sec. what matters now is the specifics of the fallacy of faith. 

Buzzwords for false rewards is the biggest killer of logic. It can be anything along the lines of "Salvation","Virgins","Godhood","Eternal Spirit" or anything of the like and the primate instincts of the illogical human complex will beg,give ones life,give ones funds or even just be completely brainwashed that words like "Science" will be easily confused with Pseudoscience. Secular idealism is being attacked all the time lately where as if this were the bronze age of which most clans books take place such ideals would be enough to have a person hung,tortured,decapitated or brutal inhumane 'justices'. 

I hope you understand the points I have made in this and that you will start to question everything. When I was younger I sadly didn't want to question because of Ego. Now I am questioning and truth is just a word used by misguided individuals. I rather enjoy Reality. 


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