Thursday, July 31, 2014

Uchu Kita! Space is too awesome for Young Earth Creationists.

It's 2014. Actually today is August 1st 2014. The big movie out right now is Guardians Of The Galaxy which is a underrated Marvel Franchise is getting the whole press release mayhem which is actually a good thing. This has little to do with the topic at hand as I am a huge fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Babylon 5, Alien, Metroid, Halo Ultraman and anything that has absolutely anything to do with Intergalactic Space Travel or exploration of the universe at hand.

I am abso-fucking-lutely sick and tired of the arrogance of Young Earth Creationist acting like we are the only things in the universe that fucking matter and that we should completely underfund, deconstruct and destroy everything so far we know about Outer Space because they have a book that is a collection of chapters of how 2 families incest formed the entire planet into being. I really hope that soon we can stop taking them seriously and learn to look at the title of 'Creation Scientist' as if it were a joke handed out at a backroom club in New York City.

Without the space program of the the planet earth we would not have any idea what was going on outside of our planet. telescopes would be a dime a dozen and if something hit like in Russia last year it would be blamed on superstitious means. Sure we may have a huge amount of space junk settling around the atmosphere just chillin but with that alone we know more about our solar system and how everything around it works, where we are in the milkyway galaxy and how to get ourselves settled into space should this planet not be able to contain us.

I could go on for pages about the fantastic potential that NASA and other parts of the space program hold but the point of this blog is to show that Ken Ham, Ray Comfort and Kirk 'Growing Pain in the ass' Cameron once again don't know shit about what they are talking about with their advances into ending the space program so they can greedily fund their fairy tale theme parks which claim and have no evidence of the evolution or big bang formation.

The statement made by Ken Ham to stop the exploration and scientific research by Ken Ham is further proof that his is incredibly still upset that he got his claimed intellectual ass owned by Bill Nye The Science Guy in February of this year. Even though he is sad he continues to collect tax breaks and has recently been approved a 10.3 million dollar loan by the State Of Kentucky to continue on the project known as Noah's Park. The Fictionally Fabulous theme park where Ken Ham and Bullshit In Genesis has to come up with a retarded storyline as to how a drunkard who heard voices in his head magically got 2 of every animals onto his boat.

It generally pisses me off when arrogant con artists like this try and stop the amazing progress of mankind by pronouncing their claim is the right one without any substantial evidence aside from magic and superstition. We have evolved further than this, but sadly there are people who hold onto the childish existences of our past to control and/or manipulate situations and say stupid stuff like this without expecting any repercussions. Answers In Genesis is nothing but a ring of con artists who use the title "Creation Scientists" to attempt to make people believe that the universe as a whole is about 6.000 years old. I long for the day in the future when I alone have children and I hear on some news channel that Answes In Genesis is getting shut down for tax evading millions of dollars.

my points are made. I hope you can understand my frustration. Live Long and Logic.

/Captain B-Money

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