Wednesday, August 13, 2014

God's Not Dead - Christianty's Last Ditch Effort to Convert people with Captain Dillon Hunt

In the first 5 minute intro song we are already introduced to the characters. The main Josh Wheaton who is wearing his Newsboys shirt while walking around campus with his blonde girlfriend who looks just like Eye-Candy for his Christianity mind of his. Then we see the Asian dude on a bike who looks like he could be the films comedy guy pulling a "Two jews walk into a bar" joke. not soon after we see a Muslim girl with her father telling her to tighten up her Burka because they are already trying to do a pissing contest of whose religion gives less rights to women.

The first scenes of anything even close to action are when the Islam chick takes off her Burka as her father leaves the college and our main character Josh Wheaton getting set up for Philosophy 150 with
Hercules Raddisson. soon after the Asian guy gets his classes and the islam chick just walks down. Other characters we are introduced to are workaholic chick with car problems and Business CEO Not Superman Dean Cane. After that little round of bullshit we are introduced to a old woman with Alzheimers who can't remember jack shit and is being watched constantly by what I will assume is the daughter.

Already this movie has way to much characters than it needs. which could either hold the pace of the indoctrination and scientific illiteracy or bring on a debate of a couple fake atheists for their pro-christian propaganda. We shall see.

Now we enter a scene where the 3 kids, Josh Wheaton, Asian Dude and Islam Chick all enter Professor Raddissons class room. Raddisson starts his lecture by telling his class that its going to be hard and quoting from a list of names on a board, including that of Richard Dawkins. Then he points out that all the names on the board were/are Athiests. Which apparently Mr. Raddisson is as well but not a very good one at that. Then we get to a scene where a man picks up another man from the airport and thanks god for getting to his destination safe instead of thanking the people who were in charge of the fucking plane ala stockholm syndrome.

 we then return to where we then return to the students in Mr. Raddissons class who are being asked to sign a piece of paper with "god Is Dead" and have their signature. Josh Wheaton seems displeased as he is obviously the big time christian in this movie. A normal Philosophy teacher wouldn't do this kind of bullshit. even an Atheist one. they are trying to pull the Indoctrination card on us now.
After he decided not to sign it they play it as if Wheaton is the only christian in the class and do the classic PERSECUTION PERSECUTION bullshit tactic that many conservative groups are now doing lately.

Then we go to the lunch room where Josh Wheatons girlfriend is giving him a mouth full for his irrational bullshit towards fighting a professor in his challenge. Apparently Josh Wheaton wants to go to law school and most likely be a Lawyer. So chances are he already has the lying part down by being apart of a cult full of lies.

Then out of nowhere we get to a scene with Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty walking into someplace or just being in this movie because it attracts nascar loving rednecks for jesus. they get an interview with this redhead who is all PETA wannabe. figures in a movie about Bible Thumping idiots we get low teir PETA getting bitched at by Willie and Cory Robertson. Soon after they bitch at her they pull out a bible verse and pascals wager on the girl. pathetic. I knew this fallacy was going to come out here somehow.

Then we get to the Gorgeous Islamic chick putting her burka back on because her father looks like a Al-Queda Kingpin. Muslim traditions even allow them to beat their women/girls if they do not wear their Burka's or headbands. Pathetic. even more so in a CHRISTIAN INDOCTRINATION MOVIE.
then we get to her father talking about how Christians don't worship God the way he wants to be worshipped. so Fallacy number 2, Comparing Muslims Allah to Christians Yahweh. way to go movie. keep on proving you're shit. for a short while we see PETAgirl ignoring Not Superman Dean Cane to write a blog about how The Robertson's murder innocent ducks while also having his WIKIPEDIA page up for a resource. Then when wheaton talks to a pastor at a local church he tells josh to read
Matthew 10:32-33 to try and curb stomp raddisson. Which Ironically were the same lines Willie Robertson used on that PETAgirl. lol.

PETAgirl has Cancer. The pastor and his friend are traveling to Disneyland without saying any copywritten stuff to avoid a lawsuit. funny as fuck. so now we're at a part where Wheaton has to show his case in a debate over god existing or not. I swear if Kevin Sorbo doesn't say "It's never easy" in this movie I am going to lose my shit. The first words in Josh's statement are the fallacy "Moving the burden of proof". A tactic used by Christians who can't show proof of a god to challenge none-believers to show no proof. it never works right on either side. Aside from the fallacy he shows a AVI of the big bang and claims bad science when his bible is in fact bad science. Mr.Raddisson pulls out a quote from Stephen Hawking about the universes self expansion and completely pwns Wheatons Burdon Of Proof bullshit. then he pulls him to the side and states "There is a god in that classroom and I am him. I'm also a Jealous God." For someone who claims to be a christian like Wheaton. they would have picked up on that statement instantly.

we then go to a scene where Aisha the ironically named islamic girl gets home and listeneds to Franklin Graham. one of the biggest scam artists of all time. Her brother while playing Stock Handheld device decides to pause it and see what she is listening to. she then yells at her brother not to tell her huge fucking father. I think we all know where this is going to go. In Muslim tradition. if you leave Muslim you are to be killed. PETAgirl tells Dean Cane that she has cancer and Dean Cane acts like a fucking dick which is totally not what any logical Atheist would do. We come to Martin the Asian dude talking to josh about Christianity and whatnot. The pastor and the friend try the car and it doesn't start. Superstition in plotpoints lol. So we learn they are all connected because Dean Cane is the brother in law to raddisson, the old woman is the mom of the woman raddisson is dating. pieces coming together. all for one bullshit story.

So there is a big dinner in Raddissons house with more and more PERSECUTION PERSECUTION PERSECUTION bullshit. this seems to be a mainstay in this movie. so we're back to the Whine thing. PERSECUTION PERSECUTION PERSECUTION bullshit again and again. We see PETAgirl getting an MRI and Josh bringing more to his debate probably with more misused science and bad fallacies. Yup. Quote Mining and pulling Double Circular Reasoning. Figures. More Quote mining and trying to disprove evolution. Darwin isn't even apart of the modern theory of evolution. even the writers of this movie could have looked that up and seen that it is observable. dumbasses. Then we learn that the reason why Mr. Raddisson is an Atheist is because his mother died of cancer or something. He does say one of the truest lines "You see wheaton, some of the most hardcore Atheists used to be Christians. but we took the blinders off.  " Now we're at a scene where the muslim father beats the shit out of his daughter. I like how this movie shows how pointless religion is even by being a movie about converting to religion.

Raddissons hot girlfriend leaves him over religion. PETAgirl goes crazy because she doesn't understand science enough to break off the cancer Aisha goes to the pastor and the asian talks to his father about god and gets him pissed because of family honor and that same stereotype. then in another debate with raddisson wheaton pulls the fucking "I'm a christian I own all morality" claim. my least favorite fallacy because you know when someone pulls it out that they base their morality on a book that encourages rape, murder, incest, genocide and slavery. and after that bullshit back to the basic "You're an Atheist, Do you hate god?" ATHIESTS DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD "Science proves his existence" Got evidence to back that up Josh Wheaton? To go with the propaganda in this film Martin stands up and gets the whole class to say "God's Not Dead". If I were to do a drinking game of how many times that is said I would have alcohol poisoning.

We then see the pastor and the friend pray to the car to get it to start. Dean Cane being an ass to his mother. which is not atheist like at all. this is mostly just stuff for the trailer. Oh shit here we go. Devil vs God bullshit mentioned. I hate the coin toss fallacy. now Raddisson is reading his mothers note and NewsBoys are about to have a concert. then Newsboys pray for Amy. Then during the concert Professor Raddisson gets ran over in a hit and run and the pastor and the friend tell him to worship jesus. Pascals Wager even as the dude is dying. Are you fucking kidding me? so because this is a christian movie he accepts because Kevin Sorbo is a born again in real life. wheres my fucking Andromeda Sequel Movie? Then right after the guy fucking dies Willie Robertson tells people to boo at him and to text people 'god's not dead'. then Wheaton most likely hooks up with Aisha the islamic chick.

Final Thought: This movie is perfect if you are already a christian. But if you try and show this movie to an Atheist who knows his science because Josh displayed a huge lack of knowledge in that department almost as deplorable as Joshua Feuerstein. This movie is going to be ripped apart by other great atheists like Dusty, JaclynG and The Amazing Atheist. I have a bad feeling this movie is going to spawn a sequel. it already spawned a clone by the name of "A matter of faith".On another note Raddisson, Dean Canes character and Amy are not how Atheists act at all. Atheists are caring people who have been persecuted more than any christian before.

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