Sunday, May 25, 2014

Religion and Worship hold back Human Equality.

This is probably one of the most obvious aspects of what I have been writing for the past few months but I fight for Human Equality. That means that no form of worship shall stop a person from Getting Married or any other form of Equality that is being held back by Religion and Worship.

For thousands of years Theists have tried to claim the right's of Natural Morality to the point where if you do not worship their chosen deity that in their opinion you are not a moral person in general and they choose to ignore the traits of altruism like Empathy. They have gone so far into this thought process that if you openly admitted you bow to no deity that they will not allow you to work at places of welfare like a homeless shelter or a foster care program.

This brainwashing has been going on for centuries and has been done with countless other deities aside from Yahweh and Allah. Brainwashing people into a deity in general is an age old event that it pretty much is a SuperBowl for Evangelical Famous People.

If you need a deity to make you be a decent person, then you aren't a decent person, it's as simple as that and saying that you're selfless for the sake of being selfless is a lie within its own when you worship any deity because all forms of religion and worship have some kind of EndGame Reward that they preach about when they die. 

I live a happy life writing and working to make people happy with their lives as they are now, I enjoy cooking for people, biking with people, generally walking and discussing things with people and I would bend myself to help them even if their emotions aren't entirely logical or they are not thinking straight at all to the point of mental mutilation. I am a Secular Humanist. I bow to no God's. Have a nice day. 


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