Saturday, April 19, 2014

Some Reality A Day, Breaks The Faith Away.

Secular Humanism is the desire to get along with others, to a morally just person in society without the need, want, nor belief of deities. To be good without the expectation of reward or punishment after death. Someone that believes in equality for all of the human race. We strive for progress through Scientific Method and are on an adventure to do amazing things like Cure Cancer, End War, End Poverty, End Hunger, End Homelessness and are trying to make life worth living for all humanity, not dying for.

The word bible is from the town of Biblos Lebanon, where they made parchment/paper, stuff to write on nothing to do with religion About the meaning of the word "Qu'ran" here are the two famous opinions: 1) it is driven from al-Qar` meaning `to collect`. 2) It is driven from `Qara` (to recite). The word Torah comes from the words 'Teaching' and 'Instruction'. Which again these mean nothing related to religion and worship. Secularists take forgiveness to the extreme and are often threatened with damnation for it. 

The Zealotry Genocidal Ages was about a thousand years ago when Knights Templar,Jihad's and a bunch of other warriors within religious ranks slaughtered about 2 Billion scientists ,100 million Pagans, millions of Free Thinkers, Thousands of Scholars, Ton's of Questioning Children.. Had this event not happened we would be 1000 years more advanced than we are now.It may take centuries for us to catch up to where we could have been but one thing is for sure as long as another Dark Age's doesn't happen Science,Tolerance,Rationality and Reason will guide us towards the stars and possibly further.

We Secularists want nothing more than for people to realize that the fictional characters of which they draw from their delusions are nothing but imagination and countless mental projections which are either a crutch or a fantasy. Secularism, Agnosticism, Atheism and Humanism are based around living a life for what it is and not being irrational unreasonable or just plain unbelievable. Faith in its meaning is to believe in something and trust in it without evidence or question. Faith is a disease, Investigation is a virtue. I hope as time goes on ritualistic tradition through superstitious extremes becomes a minor part of our past. 

When it comes to learning about Science, Morality, Tolerance Don't say no, Just live more knowing that we have been selectively chosen for this planet through catastrophic events in the galaxy that has helped form us into a species of knowledge seeking individuals who want the Forbidden Fruit of life to be an adventure without dogmatic undead tales of pits of fire and ice. We are going through a transition right now where Secularism through reality is growing at a rapid rate and our  myth's are turning into nothing but fairy tales meant to scare children. Blasphemy is a dying art and being known as a heretic is becoming a compliment.

Morality can be gained without threats of damnation. Kindness is a human trait we gain from birth and it grows or dies depending on the situations in our life, pages in a book or books are not going to give someone the ability to be Righteously Indigenous to other humans because of faith.  Secularism fights for the rights of all mankind. Gay,Straight,Lesbian,Bisexual,Purple,Green,Tran-sexual, whatever it is. yet we are not claiming to be superior in anyway because we live our lives based on evidence and facts over stories and myths. after all, we're only human. and we use that to help other humans and often times other animals as well.


Friday, April 11, 2014

Superstitous expectations bring a loss of realization.

Faith is the irrational reason killer that traps the mind in a state where there is nothing but bowing and worship of deities that hold the ultimate mythology known as religious belief. Millions and millions of pages exist of scientific evidence of human evolution that famous creationists are trying to hijack the name of science in the name of there unproven deity. "Religious Freedom's" and "Traditional Family Values" are terms used by fundamentalist worshipers to attain a hold on a verity of people based on versions of their texts.

Personal Experiences aren't proof of anything, That's why psychic's and fortunetellers get so little attention these days with the scientific advancements we've made. These worshipers get off easy when it comes to the point where they are not charged for the enforceability of getting someone of a different race,gender,sexual orientation or even opposite religion to commit suicidal acts. When I mention "Their Deity" I do not just mean one particular Supernatural Being, I am talking about the over 9000 deities since Human-kind was first formed and all the 47 million denominations of said faiths over the few millions of years we as a species have walked this planet earth and bowed to something or another. 

All forms of religion and worship have a few basic psychological characteristics. cognitive dissonance, hypertension, sleep deprivation and even hallucination's are a major cause for what is keeping the the large numbers of individuals into the hierarchy of many religious establishments. Without the advancements in Psychological Medicine we would not have figured out what causes Mental Images to seem Physical to a normal human mind. As we grow further in getting to know ourselves through science fables of divinity fade into an abyss of unstable paradox's which have no facts to base themselves upon except for Child Indoctrination,Forceful Slavery, Gender and Sexual Intolerance and Capitalistic Bribery.  

Theology is slowly becoming Mythology with a tasty reward should one bow down to their many religions and worships of which there are many to choose and I look forward to a time when Religion has not hijacked words like "Kindness","Morality" and "Love" in order to use those words as a filthy directive to collect on the minds of the innocent to further the many dying needs of the last few entitled. When there is a mountain of facts brought up from years and years of research in thousands of languages you have to realize that maybe one type of text doesn't have all the answers.

By disclaiming the idea of a next life we can take more excitement to this one. The here and now is not something to be endured for none-evidenced rewards or eternal damnation, The here and now is all we have and should not go ungrateful upon itself. So inspire yourself to make the most of what short time you have on this planet. This universe has a timeline that is so vast it is sad to see evangelicals take it all for nothing for a deity.What makes us different from the other animals on this planet is that we are naturally capable of gaining empathy and the only ones we have to thank for that is ourselves. Without empathy we are no different from Lion's hunting down and eating dire-wolves.
Fighting Dogmatic Superstition and Irrational Fear Mongering is what makes us better than the Animals all over the world.

I admit we as humans are not perfect but we are in a stage where are morality is overcoming our theology, it is only a matter of time till religion and worship is gone and Scientific Theory, Human Tolerance, and Natural Logic come into play and we become a species that rids itself of War,Greed,Hunger,Oppression and Hostility amongst ourselves. by then we should be mature enough to explore the stars from riding the skies than in our little sphere. I only hope that a Roddenberry-style future is closer in the midst of Humanity than it is in the midst of Mythological Fiction.


Assimilate This!

When logic fails false claims of love will be withered with the threats of angry recipients afraid of reason. I have had enough of people claiming their prophet is the one 'true' prophet either brought forth by some illogical manner or a common human 'blessed' by neural superstitious intellect.  My question is whether or not you can confess that your prophet is come in the flesh, not whether or not you claim to know them personally. My question is how can you claim moral superiority either through a title and use that claim to regress the state of human mental evolution while claiming that what you are doing is for truth? 

Thing most religious people seem to forget to grasp is that even though their clan is spaced out in different names and structures that if they bow to the same prophet they are all logically in the same clan no matter what stories each clan tends to favor over one another. These clans tend to hate each other enough to write so called literature name calling and pestering each other to try and prove how morally superior said clan or clans are. Sadly it doesn't just go between clan's, any individual who doe's not agree with their version of 'Normal' people of said clans who have a said title of authority or large groups of pissed off clans people will charge at said individual faster than a Mexican Bison aiming for a red waving fabric. this includes place's of learning secular education. 

Human's are animal's no matter how you put it. the only reason we have any sense of morality is because we know through natural progression of the human mind the difference between right and wrong and thinking it comes from fables or clan guidebook's is about as illogical as saying that the earth's moon was once a striving planet full of 4 chicken-wing legged taco sentient beings who ended up exploring the galaxy with the use of telekinetic wormhole praying from a soda canned figurehead who taught cannibalism through righteous means. I think we can all agree that there is no logic in that but I'll come back to that in a sec. what matters now is the specifics of the fallacy of faith. 

Buzzwords for false rewards is the biggest killer of logic. It can be anything along the lines of "Salvation","Virgins","Godhood","Eternal Spirit" or anything of the like and the primate instincts of the illogical human complex will beg,give ones life,give ones funds or even just be completely brainwashed that words like "Science" will be easily confused with Pseudoscience. Secular idealism is being attacked all the time lately where as if this were the bronze age of which most clans books take place such ideals would be enough to have a person hung,tortured,decapitated or brutal inhumane 'justices'. 

I hope you understand the points I have made in this and that you will start to question everything. When I was younger I sadly didn't want to question because of Ego. Now I am questioning and truth is just a word used by misguided individuals. I rather enjoy Reality. 


Get your worship out of my government.

Seperation of Church and State is a saying that was originally used by Thomas Jefferson, Right now I am living in the 21st century and this saying seems to have been forgotten or taken out of context. The United States Of America was founded with secular ideals to forward itself into the great empire that it is today. The Establishment Clause of the first amendment on the Constitution clearly states that this continent is PROHIBITED from the establishment of any national religion being liked above

any other or any religion at all. The Free Exercise Clause of the united states clearly states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof..." So let me ask you. Why are we already favoring one God above the several thousands to choose from? We already broke the constitution in 1956 when we put "In God We Trust" on our Paper Money. In 1864 In God We Trust was put on our coins as well.

This is one thing that really grinds my gears. People aren't even taking the constitution seriously enough that we have already broken through it about 150 years ago because of the many wars we have been in and the many off continent bases we have,

John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and George Washington were all secular freemasons who vowed never to let this country turn into a country ruled under one religion. Sure we have had a few settlements made entirely out of Cathloic and Protestant colony's but the fact still remains that the 'new world' as described by Christopher Columbus was to be secular. as in. Free to worship. But not to have worship on federal and diplomatic estates. this alone is why the 4th part of the Star Spangled Banner was taken out during National Sports Games.

Article 6 of the United States Constitution also states "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." which is clearly now irrelevent because it is illegal to be an Atheist or secularist in office in Texas, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Maryland, Mississippi,Arkansas and South Carolina. Which alone also breaks the constitution and any secular laws written for those states.

Treaty Of Tripoli Article 11 states "As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries" Which in its clear text states IT IS NOT A NATION UNDER ANY GOD.

This has become so vibrant and misused in the last century that if the founding fathers were ever to return from the dead they would smack the shit out of every public servant since their demise and get "In god we trust." taken off of our currency and make sure that it is entirely clear that the united states and its government are formed upon secular notions of free speech, They would also feel insulted with prayer and worship being decided upon in Secular Public Schools where Creationism has its own place in churches, synagogs, temples and tombs.

I say. Let Secularism into the government where it belongs and stop the none-nonsensical worship that keeps us from progressing into a better place in the world. Science, Tolarence, Logic and Secularism will win out in the end. Even when this empire falls.


Randomness 2014

On the average day I deal with every single human emotion that a person is capable of expressing. I have people enraged at me for correcting their horrible spelling and grammar, I have people begging me to help them with something or another, I have people who have me spend about 60 hours just giving them advice only for them to ignore it hours later. It's a good thing I'm a logical person who is very tolerant of human error or else I would have been insane by now. That's one good thing, Right? Only time will tell.

I stand for many things. Many of them get me ridiculed but I've learned not to give a shit about that over time and just fight for my causes, I Believe in Same-Sex Marriage, Separation of Church And State, Higher Minimum Wage, Animal Rights, as well as abiding by the countries Bill Of Rights, Constitution and other things made by our founding fathers, Most of which were Secular Atheists.

When I give people advice I hope that all the power in the universe helps them to actually listen to my logic so their problem would end up not being a problem at all, Yet for a few friends who I will not name they keep going back to making themselves sad or just not being logical at all with what I have given them. I've almost had enough of it but I have enough morality to try and drill it into their heads time and time again so at some point in life they can finally get to saying "I finally get it".

I guess it's good that I am who I am today because of Reality, Fact and Logic have touched me, I like Science, Probably more than I care about History or Food at times. Science is going to change the world more and more than anything and its sad so many people don't accept it. I'm getting carried away. My point is my friends need to listen, Stop worrying so much and try to live life as if it were their only one. I'm sick of getting into petty arguments over stupid shit when right now alone there have been 12 murders under the guise of Religion, Ukraine is in a huge revolt that looks like a cover the a Call Of Duty Game, President Obama is actually going to start doing shit and fight for Marriage Equality and NASA and other Science Organizations aren't getting jack shit of funding lately.

Why I'm A Secular Humanist

I don't believe in God. I used to. Back when I was nothing but a child who didn't know shit about shit. Now I'm an adult who spends most of his time reading books and different types of texts through PDF and whatnot. I've gone to church all my life. Different kinds as well. But they are all the same or some sort of version within itself. In Christianity alone there are more than Forty Thousand denominations for all cherry picked parts of several books in the Bible.

Science,Logic and Tolerance are thing's I value. Back when I was little I didn't know who was gay, lesbian, trans or whatever. Now that I'm an adult people tell me their choice and I choose the logical path of enjoying their company and letting them live their life without having to burn them at the stake or stone them for the choice of which they make. Things are changing, More and more people are becoming Rational and letting the moral choices take over what they have been taught in fairy tales. I don't just despise Christianity for the negative it brings but I despise Islam, Pastafarian and just about anything else that takes Fairy Tales out of context.

The Universe is fucking huge and all of the major holy books only take place in a small circle about 2% of the planet. Wrath of God or Allah my ass because there is always scientific evidence for things such as storms and natural disasters. What makes us so fucking special that an entity or two want's to make all of this shit for us?

Free Will is a lie. In all different kinds of holy books there is a double crossed lie about having free will. I guess that didn't stop Mohammad from fucking a 9 year old girl. Jehovah is a jealous, childish and all around dumb character in essence. Rib Woman incest with a hint of murdering millions compared to Lucifer's 10. Yeah... Makes sense right?

There is some good from Religion if it gets off its ass and feeds the poor as well as help those who are not well educated in science. But aside from that It's just as much a Stage Show as Live Action Role Playing is for D&D fans. Just one with lots and lots of profit and a promise for some sort of endgame reward.

Doing some research on the Bible and comparing the "evil" of "Satan" vs. the "Goodness" of "God." Why is "Satan" viewed as "evil" when he only killed ten people in the Bible, but God kills exactly 2,476,633 and is "good." These are the actual numbers, not estimates listed in "The Good Book." Something to toss out to the religious people you know and watch their heads explode.

Well, look at the god character. He has an absolute need to be worshiped and loved over anything else. He created the universe, billions of stars and planets, just so these imperfect humans would love him? This insatiable need for love can be attributed to most dictators and serial killers. Hardly something to aspire to.

Sin is a made up concept to enlist fear which a person or group of people can easily control in order to gain advantage over and claim that person or people as their personal mind slaves for sending out to indoctrinate the fear in the young,the old, the homeless,the faithless and the misguided. Logic dictates that Faith is not a feeling but a lack of Logic through Science.

This universe is bigger and older than I think we even can count but the fact that we turned into a sentient species we have the right to somehow be above all else. All Holy Figures are pretty much adult versions of Santa, The Easter Bunny and The Great Pumpkin, There is no psychical evidence of any of their existence because we as a species are old and have lost a lot to natural disasters.

I believe that far beyond when I am dead and gone Science, Logic and Tolerance will be a mainstay for humanity and all sorts of negative things like Poverty, Crime, Terrorism, War will have ended for us as a race to expand beyond this cradle that we call Planet Earth. First though we must expand our minds instead of our faiths. Faith is bad science. Faith is a trusting in a feeling with out evidence.

I believe all claimed experiences of Ghosts, Hell, Heaven, Alien Abduction and Seeing 'God'.'Jesus','Flying Spaghetti Monster' are all just hallucinations in the mind that we have developed during a phase of reality which our brain can not handle without familiar teachings.

I am a Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Science individual who saw what I was doing wrong in trusting in a being or beings who are without proof of existing, I trust solely on whatever the earth is revolving around and I hope for scientific discoveries to continue to grow and become as frequent as they have for the last 50 years. I believe everyone has rights and they should not be forced into slavery or other forms of torture because of their belief.

Religion can emulate traditional therapies, but it shifts responsibility to an unknowable force. Belief does nothing to solve real problems. One reason we are easily indoctrinated into religion is that we are so adaptable. We learn our customs and beliefs and become comfortable. Claiming that your particular god, ghost, or other supernatural force or entity is conveniently beyond proof is rigging the game.

Many people spend huge parts of their lives worshiping things that have never been shown to exist. What does that say about human nature? If a Creator-God existed and wanted me to believe, it wouldn't have made me a skeptic and rationalist. Evidence is far too important to me. Believing in an interventionist, prayer-answering deity means ignoring all scientific data on prayer in favor of wishfuthinking.

You can teach your children to worship a head of lettuce and, provided there's the right amount of fear instilled, the belief will persist. The Bible isn't "evil," it's just a stagnant collection of works from authors with different ideas on life, death, salvation, and morality. If there's a god, it knows what evidence is and has refused to do provide it. That doesn't seem like a god that wants to be worshiped to me.

Religions concern themselves with preserving and worshiping myths as realities, without regard to substantial evidence to the contrary. Some movements have no leaders, gurus, or evangelizers. Just people unified by rational ideas about objective realities. Legends are legends because they have a certain power over us. The idea of a legend walking in the front door is astronomically illogical.

Feel free to threaten me with your version of "Hell," but I don't base my beliefs on vague, supernatural, post-mortem threats of violence. I'm a skeptic because I don't see the value in having false beliefs, and because beliefs that are true aren't harmed by healthy criticism. I'm more comfortable accepting scientific understandings of origin — as opposed to accepting cultural myths as reality out of familiarity. "Blasphemy" is a flawed concept. It's illogical that an omnipotent deity would want to protect itself from criticism from its own creations.

Religious people aren't stupid. The average believer is guilty of nothing more than gullibility, wishful thinking, and being indoctrinated. Whether you think religion is a force for good or bad in the world, religious ideas are demonstrably false. False ideas can always be bad. Church would be better if clergymen educated followers on the Bible,Quran,Book or Mormon in their entirety, as opposed to picking-and-choosing arbitrary passages.