Monday, June 13, 2016

No True Scotsman is abused like crazy.

Throughout history fundamentalists of the the Abrahamic religions have killed and killed and killed in the names of Jesus, Muhammad and Moses because of words written in The Bible, The Quran, The Hadiths, The Talmud and the Torah. Well now that humanity has put most religions in a lot of areas in a 2nd place above human rights and human compassion the apologists are having a field day. the abrahamic religions would not be in this world today were it not for the fact they beg for people to make babies to teach the same archaic mythology to children so it can scare them and potentially turn them into Extremist Fundamentalists of sorts. Islam,Christianity, Judaism and all of its expanded mythology would all be dead in this day and age were it not for the benefit of Indoctrination.

Indoctrination teaches the hatred of the holy books to young children and if the children grow up to have the resources and the training to use devices of murder to propel the ideals of the ancient bronze age abrahamic barbaric books. Thus the extremists will do as they say to the highest point with the most righteous look on their faces as they murder people of which the holy books mention above considered to be cannon fodder. which moderates will then condemn or claim person who did such tragedy is "Not a true ____". The ironic part of all of that is the doctrine of said religions is fear. fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. 

The thing about all of the Abrahamic books mentioned above is that they are just stories that have no basis in the real world, they were literally used as rule books for bronze age Dungeons And Dragons. There is characters in these books like seven headed dragons, a dude who cuts the moon in half, a 900 year old dude who builds a boat with 2 or in some contradictions 7 of the same animals on one small boat, A dude who takes 3 days to respawn and I could go on with the mythical properties. The term 'Abrahamic' which I am using refers to the religions which were made as devices for entertainment in the middle east which refer to the character "Abraham" or "Ibraham" in some places.

The biggest point is that if a extremist fundamentalist person believes in the same abrahamic thing you believe in and says and does what the doctrine of the books does he is just as much of a believer as a moderate who enjoys the parts of said books that teach care and love and take all of the overflowing hatred as fictional details like reading an actual story by someone like Frank Herbert and his great story Dune. No story should be used to murder any human in any form, it doesn't matter if its based on reality like a documentary that actually has evidence or fiction from a galaxy far far away. You don't see people killing each other over the debate about Captain Kirk or Captain Picard... Do you? Yeah I didn't think so. 

When apologists of any of the religions try to blame Atheism for the major atrocities done by dictators they try to say that they killed those millions and millions upon people for Atheism. They think Big Bang Theory and Evolutionary Science has EVERYTHING to do with Atheism which is the biggest strawman that sadly has caught on and created a stigma that continues to this day.
Atheism alone merely means that a person or set of people don't believe in the idea of a 'god'.
That is it, There is nothing else too it.  You will never find a quote from Stalin where he ever went "I DO THIS FOR MY DISBELIEF" because no such thing exists even if he was or was not a Atheist.

We as humans must pulse through this archaic way unite as a species before we let death cults like those of the abrahamic religions try to make their favorite type of end of the earth become a reality. Humanity has potential if it doesn't get bogged down by old forms of entertainment which are used to convert or kill which some use moderately for love but do nothing of the extremists. and yes There are extremists fundamentalist Muslims, Christians, Jews, Mormons, and all of those who have killed people and continue to kill people, No matter how much you think your special brand of the abrahamic religion is perfect there has been at least a few hundred thousand people who have killed in its name and history shows it as fact.


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