Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Accountability within a inaccountable set of religions.

There is scientific proof that Religion has a lot to do with a Placebo effect in which the brain gets large quantities of Dopamine to experience things it can not comprehend as supernatural phenomenon or straight high effect without a drug or type of medicine. Church's, Mosque's and Temple's don't tell you that and they place a special type of incense to help bring the dopamine levels to a high. Christianity has a huge contradiction within itself of which it is now modernized to be less violent when verses exist where Jesus Himself said that the Old Testament rules still apply and those who don't obey the barbaric abrahamic rules are not true Christians itself. The books of Matthew,  Luke and John all point out that the old laws still apply but modernization is when people cherry pick and become somewhat moderate even though the book is archaic and barbaric.

Religion in general is Unsupported Assertions of self contradicting obserdity. Intelligent design is just a fancy term for Creationism. Creation Scientists have made claims that can be and have been  falsified. All claims by Intelligent Design Proponents have been  disproved by science and and disproved in a court of law. Because creationism is fueled by faith and born of religious apologetics no creationist or intelligent design proponent will ever admit when they are wrong. the religions of the abrahamic god are uncomfortable with  change and civilization becoming more progressive and less backwards  towards each other, Without a reason to fight for said religions they  would be as dead as the characters they claim to talk about.

These religions hate being questioned that is why they have apologetics to make up terms to compensate for the bronze age mythology not being needed in this time frame of human minds prepared questions. The teaching of creationism is a misuse of science as well as a basic way of  telling people they are useless because they don't bow down to one  ideology. History has shown that if a religion that is not Christianity is getting popular that Christians of many denominations will vandalize artifacts of different natures if they are tools or worship that don't hail the abrahamic god. The Cross, The Crescent Moon and The Star Of  David are all symbols of hate and have been cut into statues of things  that have no relation to the abrahamic deity at all for the last few  thousand years, ISIS Aka DEASH have been doing it a lot lately with cutting down artifact ruins in Syria as we speak.

That all goes back to the No True Scotsman thing, While fundamentalist extremists are trying to erase history and make it match what they see in their holy books the moderates who don't really take much of it seriously are sitting back and letting them do it by saying they are not  true this or that. Christians are sitting back while their groups are shooting up Planned Parenthood's, Muslims are sitting back while other Muslims toss gays down tall buildings, Moderate Jews are sitting back while Zionism slaughters and creates apartheid in a land that should be split in two, Not Three and two quarters. All of these things in the names of Jesus, Muhammad, Moses. Yet it is mostly the non-religious or the religions that aren't apart of the abrahamic triangle talking about it. Iran is slowly becoming more secular each day but as long as they have 'Islam Morality Police' like Saudi Arabia that dream of freedom will die as fast as its brought up.

Religious leaders always try to get people not to like things that could compete with the religions, things like Mass Effect, Game Of Thrones,  Lord Of The Rings are all scapegoated with the character 'satan' which each abrahamic book has a different story of Satan being some sort of bad guy but like the other characters is just fiction itself. Philosophy is an ever-changing pathway to either human progressiveness or literal dark ages created by the religiously motivated to regress us back to our  caves. Drugs come in many different ways, Some people like choking themselves, Some like to sit and talk to themselves and ask them to change a supposed divine beings plan to fit their narrative which is generally unaccepting of others.
Academia will never accept the lack of accountability in abrahamic religion to be legitimate in any fold of the scientific method. Once all forms of Theocracy is eliminated on this planet backwards regressive fundamentalists will always use some form of a persecution complex to be treated superior to others, which means that they lack of understanding in the word 'secular' which is really what will help the world. Faith by definition means to believe in something no matter what evidence contradicts it or without questioning it at all. the three abrahamic religions are the most vocal right now because they don't like change and they are trying their damnedest to stay relevant through many indoctrination progresses as well as things for rehabilitation. All which either have a goal of converting or treating less than human.


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