Friday, June 17, 2016

Persecution is the tool for tyrannical authoriterian rule.

Pure Flix, Living Waters, Answers In Genesis and companies like that are popping up a lot lately is what I like to call the New Christian movement. This movement is where they think they can prove once and for all that they are right and they are the only people in the universe who are right about everything, Anyone who does not believe in their particular flavor of Christianity is wrong and is out to make the world hate people like you, You are the victim because your belief and everybody who thinks differently is out to get you or some bogus claim like that is what these movies present.

Every one of these flicks that these evangelical companies pops out to appease to the masses of fans basically says that anyone who is not a Born Again Christian that you don't have Empathy, Compassion or even your own Moral Integrity as a human being. These films present arrogance to claim Atheists can't ever be sympathetic to anything, It is apart of a Christofacism that has been trying to take over America for the longest time. Self-Victimization is a big part of the doctrine for Christianity and the idea has mainly died down in Islam while the people of Judaism think they are going to own every piece of land on this planet when their apocalypse comes they claim.

Propaganda is a perfectly good word for these types of apologetic attempts for claiming moral superiority over people who don't think a certain way and are thus evil in the sense that they would kick puppies for not believing in the same manner as the people in these films. Only in America does a group try to claim moral superiority because they are not the only loud voices as they were many decades ago when the indoctrination rate was high and being open minded to other aspects with scientific method was thought out to be a mental illness. Mental Illness has come a long way thanks to the Scientific Method and the ways of which we find out which people has what.

Sure I am not saying it isn't true. Right now there ate countries in the middle east right now where being a Christian can automatically get you killed. But that is the middle east and until the middle east becomes entirely secular and doesn't have assholes like Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu, ISIS, Al-Quada, Al-Nushra and those groups the Abrahamic Barbaric violence towards each of those groups who basically believe in the same god deity will continue to spread and may in fact infect to other nations like the United Kingdom where refugee's are trying to pass sharia law as we speak kinda like how Right Wing Christian Conservatives are trying to pass forms of Biblical Law or Christian Sharia in the United States Of America.

I could go on about how Missionaries have fucked up the African counties such as Uganda but there are enough recognized points in movies like God Loves Uganda that I don't need to point out the trivial indoctrination bases that have made things like Boko Haram and the near theocracy down there a topic of discussion. This is really why humanity in general should tax religion, They get away with trying to get in politics in plenty of places on this planet that if we were to tax every single religion in the world that we would be able to fix so many of the things it has fucked up since civilization has started. The result has which made them so powerful that they have control over so many people in public leadership positions trying to impose on ordinary people who want or have nothing to do with their religions.

Don't get me wrong. I'm an Atheist, Anti-Theist, Secular Humanist. I think the actual persecution going on in the middle east to all 3 abrahamic factions is insane and wrong. But then again what do you get when you take something on the level of Dungeons And Dragons, Harry Potter,Lord Of The Rings, Enders Game seriously?  Extremists who want nothing more but to take control of the planet and force everyone into their way of thinking. Fascism has many faces, Even ones that claim they want to spread love in the name of a abrahamic creator but punish people who think differently and challenge said claims.


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