Thursday, November 26, 2015

Abrahamic Smackdown: No going back now. This is my final resault.

There once was a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. That time was called the Dark Ages. Day after day, religion shows more and more evidences of its inadequation in a modern world. Muslims and Christians go on believing that each other deserves eternal torture while Atheists go on realizing that no one does. No creationist with a PhD has ever has ever published any article defending creationism in any respective scientific journals because creationism is not supported by science. When one's invisible, mythical friend justifies everything with 'forgiveness', everything is tolerable. As long as it fits into one's superstitious parameters. I get annoyed when I hear the lazy emotional argument that can more or less be summed up as "life sucks for some people, therefor God has to exist". The bible is full of inaccuracies, contradictions, and screw-ups. That's why Christians need their 'Apologists' to manufacture excuses to not simply throw the thing out.

'No Graven Images' is Christianity's excuse to destroy all art forms that don't install fear which enables the worship of its archaic barbaric doctrine. If the character of Jesus Christ is true and existing then the feud between Catholics and Christians is why he will not return. The straw-man saying one can not be good without the ludicrous fear of a man-made unevidenced extreme supernatural deity fails compared to Human Empathy, Altruism, Compassion and Dignity. Sovereign Superiority with the claim of truth quickly becomes a large victim complex when it is questioned for unfabricated displays of historic or pre-historic evidence.

Religion is the affliction of the narcissist. it is the self superimposed on the public in a way to hide ones own flaws and reassure the simple minded and gullible that they are right because god agrees with them. extreme religion is the ability to never be wrong. it's not surprising that the narcissists are so strongly attracted to it.

Religion is Unsupported ideas. Assertions of truth that are not what they say they are, They claim to have evidence but is mostly fabrications of. They require minds to be swayed and to only rely on Faith, Which in the English Dictionary means to believe without question or evidence. There is a term used for this even when scare tactics of 'Sin','Devil' and whatnot are used. Cognitive Dissonance.

State Godhood, eg Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Il Jung etc is not atheism, it's a cult of personality wherein the leader sets himself up as a God. The supreme leader discourages religion because he does not want competition for people's devotion. He want their undivided attention and worship. Such leaders are usually megalomaniacal and quite often kill off large segments of the population-their followers abandon all independent thinking and reason and do what they are told. He rules by terror and brute force. A true atheist is a free thinker who worships no man and no God-quite the opposite of those who follow a supreme leader in a cult of personality. Equating the two is false and only used by uneducated individuals to dismember the Atheism movement in general.

"Sin" is a none existent thing. There are no scientific peer reviewed papers on "sin". We have psychosis, delusional people, psychotics. schizophrenia, paranoia, genetic issues, brain tumors that can cause irrational behavior, various diseases, bi-polar depression ... No "sin" .... To say someone is a "sinner" is irrational .... We are humans, not perfect beings. Our man made laws punish wrong doers. Our lives of empathy, altruism, ethics and moral behavior teach the next generation, but even then all the other known issues exist so there are no guaranties. In fact, to say it is because of "sin" is like saying an epileptic seizure is due to demon possession. Let's not go back to Bronze and Iron Age thinking advocated in those antiquated books.

It is really naive to say "you believe something came from nothing", It just feels like the person saying it is not educated enough to understand. Empty Space is not empty. there is a large array of particles moving around in empty space at any given time. they are just so micro that they can't be fully seen with the naked eye. The idea behind this is what is pure evidence for the The Big Bang theory and the expansion of the universe and Astronomers get proof of this every single day they look into a telescope or get pictures from the Hubble.

I don't believe in something that will not speak for itself, especially a so-called all-powerful universe creating 'god' that is depicted in the bible of doing just that, with no help from humans. You do logically KNOW why man questions a god's existence, right? When all you have is humans judging, ridiculing, and even killing, in the name of that 'god', it is those very humans that take away any true power that god has. YOU make religion weak, make it seem ignorant, when you judge and try not to understand the reasons behind atheism. YOU see one god, but what god is real? Allah? Is it the god that the Mormons claim is real? What about Scientology? Logic dictates that a person believes in what is seen, not in what is told to him/her as what is there, especially when nothing is there. YOU say god is real, but how do YOU know outside a book you read, one written by man? Do you believe because of tradition? Is your belief set around going to the same church that your parents, your grandparents, your great great grandparents went to? I grew up living under that life, following 'not' because I really believed, but it was tradition to do so. You are told what to believe, and worst, told not to question. I was told not to ask stupid questions, but there are not stupid questions, just stupid answers given, especially from those that freely choose to follow blindly along.

Civilization Survived the Abrahamic cults It did not evolve from them but in spite of them...When the cults took hold in the 4th century Civilization Devolved into the Dark ages. For a thousand years there was stagnation on an unprecedented scale. If the great split in the church had not happened in the 14th century the dark reign of religion could have gone on for another thousand. . All the advances in civilization Art and science were hard fought for and slowly won.. The example of Afganistan being ruled by the Taliban in the 90's showed how quickly civilization can devolve under dogmatic cults.

Aside from Theology Word Gymnastics that pastors,priests and clerics of certain abrahamic religions seem to do now back in the early medieval times they would use torture devices and torture moves on anyone who insulted or challenged the abrahamic deity. Some such as The Rack, Heretic's Fork, The Brazen Bull, The Tub, Rat Torture and The Cathrene Wheel. All of these is why being a secular unbeliever has been silent until very recently. Many of the Abrahamic Religion believers tend to distence themselves from each other because even though they all agree on the same things and worship the same god they cherry pick pieces of their flawed texts to force on people through inept judgements which is ironic because some verses in all 3 books reference not being an asshole which is contradicted by verses in many forms of testaments to kill unbelievers and other god worshipers

In the end the facts have been laid out that Christianity, Islam, Judaism are nothing but middle eastern abrahamic death cults where people basically beg for the end of the world to come because they are unable to handle the reality set before them through natural selection and the big bang expansion of the universe, Abrahamic Religion makes them feel special even though we are literally a tiny spec of dust in the expanding universe and the many other universes that follow, this narcissism is the kind of trait that begs for the manipulation of scientific advancement thus forwarding our own planet and species death from ever exploring this and other universes. When there is evidence to actually back up pure scientific method blaming it on a scapegoat like 'Satan' is just a losing argument and shows the lack of maturity on those who run their religion to the depths of insanity by not accepting that maybe it doesn't fit so they should look more into it.

Human's strive to live forever, that is a natural instinct brought up from the evolutionary line and that is also the way that abrahamic religion has made itself into such a mainstream product into the depths of human authority.  Questioning our own as well as making our own meaning of life is the first stepping stone to either bowing down to a certain flavor of religion or questioning the basis for those religions as well as your own self assurances to the future you plan out among yourself. Humanity needs to start giving credit where credit is due, instead of giving it to an illogical idea of a perfect yet jealous make believe character we should take all the good and the bad and give credit to ourselves for trying to grow up and fix ourselves without any outside help. We as humanity will make a difference in this universe by moving on from such trivial regressive states of mind and end up exploring the universe without fear of a being or an idealism towards apocalyptic human genocide.

A few quotes from myself.
"The greatest way to kill a bad idea full of xenophobic, racist, barbaric apocalyptic aroused teachings is with a factual education that is ever-changing and has no disgusting dogma." - Me
or shorter
"the best way to end barbaric dogma is with a proper education."- Me

I just want Humanity to grow up and move on from this type of bullshit. I want humanity to reach the first step towards exploring the stars before I die, I want humanity even when I am dead to be having travel between planets and moons become a normal thing, where business pays to be a terraformer of planets and where ships have the ability to go faster then light, A utopia where all negative things going on in this where were just gone because of science and technology. Something like Star Trek. I know some people can understand that. I hope you can too.


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