Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Abrahamic Dungeons And Dragons

The Malignant ideology that human beings are trash for not worshiping an Abrahamic character is nothing but a reverse reality where the planet earth is just a snow globe for a made up toxic megalomaniac whom demands your attention 24/7 and if it is not mentioned or tossed around constantly that you are threatened with damnation. This form of religion is a constant in Judaism, Islam and Christianity whose stories play out like a Dungeons and Dragons campaign that has gone wrong and continues to take lives.

Shackled are those who don't believe in any of the main or spinoff's of Abrahamic Dominion for these religions are not reformed in any manner, they merely have new ways of doing things, but the way they are speaking now a days I would not be surprised if they started pulling out Spiked Crown's, Head Crushers and Iron Maidens. Even today places like Saudi Arabia which surprisingly is an ally of America does beheading and crucifixions for talking badly about their Abrahamic characters. Something that people like Pat Robertson would have wet dreams about.

Constant self victimization is the biggest tool yet, they use it to control a point and say that only they have the answers to every single problem on planet earth and they are made to lead because they read a book that is the equivalent of Humpty Dumpty on steroids. A lot of the context within the abrahamic religons is toxic masculinity, you're not manly unless you do a certain number of things and if you have a female partner fight for you or with you it is considered dishonorable and distasteful, same thing with having female leaders in general.

Control is the main purpose. Control is what they want. They want to control you in the bedroom. they want to control what gender you are. they want to control who you love and who you want to marry. they want to control every piece of government to turn America into Christian Saudi Arabia at any chance they get. to rid the constitution of the first amendment and form a pure theocracy. that is the end goal. aside from their favorite apocalypse porn that they read from their books.

the insane denial of factual science is a big part of grasping for control, some idiots believe that every single fossil was planted by their abrahamic bad guy aka 'the devil' to "test the faith" of hardcore Fundamentalist Wahhabi  Evangelical Christians, Muslims, Etc. that in itself is a HUGE denial of actual evidence. let alone the fact that many of people under those titles believes the word "theory" merely means 'idea' and not something that has been tested to be factual by actual scientists.

Where we are right now in this round of Dungeons and Dragons is that many evangelicals are trying to get Israel to cover up most of the middle east like the "promised land" map of ancient times so that they can have their end of the world party and all who don't think like them or act like them will be considered immoral and they will publicy Hang, Behead and their favorite one, Crucify


Monday, July 31, 2017

The Moral High Horse of Abarhamic Asthetic.

As Judaism, Islam and Christianity constantly tries to roll a 20 in their ever conquering game of thrones each fragment of Yahweh uses force to eliminate counter culture through strict rules of engagement or moral crusades in the form of angry evangelicals. With the use of such tactics such as Zionism, Sharia and Biblical Law they claim they and only they are the ones who should be in charge of everyone else and instead of minding ones own business as religion generally should they use their authoritarianism to indoctrinate to continue to spawn more moral crusaders.

Toxic Ideologies like these engulf the idea that individualism is bad and that you are capable of getting away with anything as long as you invoke the name of Yahweh or the Abrahamic deities other nicknames throughout the millennia. Modern forms of Observations, Experimentation and Theory are heresy to those who want to gain control, if it does not fit their special narrative it is not to be questioned without resulting in explaining magic with pretty words to make it sound pseudo-scientific.

A basic moral crusade is when highly respected leaders of different sects of said faiths argue that they are mad and that humanity needs to die out unless they are in some form of control with a Religious Gestapo to enforce their wording and claims of wisdom, Similar to the middle east with Islam countries religious police as well as IDF taking land and pissing off the United Nations. all part of the giant game of Dungeons and Dragons to fulfill world ending promised rewards.

Abrahamic Literalists demand only a few things, Obedience, The Option to be a Martyr, as well as objectives to take control over every single thing so that proselytism can conquer over the ideals and goals of modern humanity to bend down on the carpet and worship the abrahamic deity. Even expanding ones arrogance to denounce things such as video games to lay claim to each and every piece of land for a literal theocracy thus removing human compassion for the demands of the bible, quran, torah literalists. Abrahamic Literacy needs to be marked as a mental disorder or at least disqualify people from high positions of power.

Interpretation is a big thing with these, while moderates don't take every single thing seriously there are fundamentalist extremists who use each and every part of these fables to indoctrinate and gather armies to inquisition to claim moral authority over every single person in this state of existence. Theocratic tendencies ride high in adapted fundamentalists to the point where the religion is said to be "reformed" to be able to fit into a progressing society where mythology is only thought of as interesting stories instead of propositions of authority  The rivalry between Christanity, Islam and Judaism is nothing but a proxywar for the same fictional deity of Abraham and Issac.

Morality has grown up with the rest of the human race, If someone needs to read a book to learn not to kill people or do bad stuff it's no telling how fucked up of a person or how freely they would do things considered harmful without the threat of a eternal timeout in a barbecue of torment controlled by a questioning knight from a made up kingdom. Domination is the goal, different titles and parts of a big fable but they all have the same idea. Humanity knows its own moral boundaries. It doesn't need threats and it will grow old from fear of the unknown soon enough, Abrahamic Deity will soon join the ranks of Zeus, Vishnu and many other myths.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Inside the mind of Jack T Chick.

Jack Thomas Chick is a Christian Comics Writer from California, Probably one of the biggest people who helped fabricate the "America is a Christian Nation." lie years ago and someone who has helped the Fundamental Christianity grow in some parts of the world to the point that it is now. Mr.Chick is also a very big advocate for the whole 'King James Only' Shenanigans that have formed some of the most recent No True Scotsman's, along with all of his favorite forms of bigotry and fear-mongering of anything particularly fun for the past 50 some odd years. Some people even says Jack Chick was one of the people who rooted for Aids when the virus was introduced mostly in the 80's and he believed it only effected Homosexuals.

Jack Chick was bigoted towards a lot of things and they showed in each and every single one of his tracts, A tract is basically a small book or pamphlet containing information or an idea. If there was another form of Abrahamic Worship, Something remotely fun that has wizards or even thought process in it or just a certain individual Jack Chick and Chick LLP hated it and posted it in their comics to fear-monger. A small part of that fear mongering is why there is such a stigma against Atheists in power. Aside from the huge martyrbation complex these comics portrayed they gave an example of the theocratic dominionist archaic barbaric world these fundamentalists would love to live in before and after their daily dose of apocalypse porn. Reality, Scientific fact and progress are myth's in their world which are out to get them and do harmful things to them because they believe a 33 year old Arab from Palestine hung on a stick to redeem them of a fake disease.

I am going to attempt to list all of the thinks Jack Chick hates[or hated], this might be a bit so I hope I didn't forget anything: Jack T Chick hated: Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Video Games, Other Comics, Dungeons & Dragons, RPG games,Halloween ,Role Playing in general, Harry Potter, Family Guy,  Porn, Gays, Lesbians, Transsexuals, Transformers, Pokemon, Moderate Christians, Vegan's, Vegetarians, ,Hindu's, Buddhists, Democrats, Rock Music, Tattoo's, Black People, Mexicans, Immigrants of any kind, Evolution Theory, Big Bang Theory, Multi-Verse Theory,  Barack Obama, Criticism of Christianity,Other 'versions' of the Bible, Star Wars, Star Trek, Science Fiction in general, The Space Program, Stephen Hawking, Anime, Critical Thinking, Atheist's, Atheism, Agnostics, A brighter future for humanity, The Internet, Equality, Secularism, Multiculturalism, Interracial Relationships, Hollywood, Bollywood, Humanity in general. That is the best I could do, I'm sure there is a lot more but that is all that I could think from the top of my head, It leads by example of the person Jack Chick was.

In all of Jack Chick's comics he promotes an idea that Humanity is doomed unless they worship the way he worshiped and thinks the way he thought. His doomsday fetish included ideas that 'True' Christians would be hunted by the millions, have to hide their faith and that they somehow will be considered second class citizens because of their faith. If you don't think the way he thinks then somehow it is obvious that you are a heathen who does not deserve to have civil rights and that you are just evil for not thinking the way he thinks, Kinda the whole 'Everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler' fallacy often used to try and discredit without having any form of civil debate.The persecution complex is pushed so much in all of his comics that questioning them is a no go to hardcore fundamentalists. These tools are used to scare the shit out of someone without question and make them convert while being another mind in a collection to help build their interpretation of 'God's Army' to force their religion on everybody in forms of indoctrination which mishandled reality to further a regressive mind-frame among everybody. that is their final goal, Convert and save for appeal to authority tactics.

The basic premise of every Chick Tract is that a made up character does something that Jack Chick doesn't approve of, It can be mediocre or completely random and there will always be a 'saved' christian there to help said made up character supposedly see the error of their ways. One of the funniest things about his tracts is that his version and interpretation of Jesus/God character looks a lot like the new craze know as Slenderman. It was decently creative at the time but with the recent upbringing of Slenderman just makes his work more hilarious and nonsensical then it already is. Aside from their massive promotion of Zionism through Christianity there are tons of hints of Authoritarianism from a false persecution complex which is used to try and gain control of everything. I could talk about how Jack Chick was against woman's rights and wanted to world to turn back to 1950 where women stayed in the kitchen and had no rights when it came to their bodies but that is basic conservative christian doctrine spelled out in nearly all of his tracts along with the often repeated John 3:16 which is basically the mainstay of conservative christian mentality.

Chick Tract's are one of the biggest things that feed Fundamentalist Extremist Christianity, Moderates tend to ignore them because they are considered hate speech in some parts of the world because of how fucked up and how bent out of shape Jack Chick's perception of Reality was. He was looking forward to the Martyrism for his form of Christianity that most comics showed Christians being hunted by even Catholics who are basically the same thing.  Longing for the end of the world so that he can ride the abrahamic monarchy to the top which would make him a leader in morals and ethics according to his idea of Conservative Christianity, Dominionism that people like Ted Cruz , Pat Robertson, Ken Ham, Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron could only dream of. Even though Jack Chick promoted many forms of hate he has accomplished things close to that of even Stan Lee. Where his comics or tracts have literally been viewed at least once by everybody in the world, Some comic artists can only dream about that, A small part of that has to do with the fact that his comics are in tons of other languages.

Final Thought: It's becoming an end of a hateful era, With Christianity's BigWig propaganda workers growing older and the younger generations like myself opening ourselves up to Scientific Fact this is just the start. I give condolences to the family of Jack Chick on his death but I will never think of Jack Chick as anything more than a hate warmongering psychopath dominionist. One thing is always made clear in all of his publications, You can get away with just about anything as long as you give yourself to Jesus Christ, It doesn't matter if its relatively bad or good, Just believe in Jesus. Lmao.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Interpretations bring forth different abrahamic varients.

The concept of Interpretation is that things have different natures to how they are thought of by one person or another. It is this type of linear thinking that lets one person think of a notion as good while another person thinks of it as bad, Each form a certain point of view towards and form of discussion which is why there are many different sects, religions, denominations and subcultures of the abrahamic religions of the middle east. These types of disagreements often lead to 'Out Of Context' fallacies being presented in insulting non-religions for using a text they claim as a 'historical document' when such a fable could just be metaphors with colorful storytelling. My own interpretation is that all of the abrahamic texts are nothing but apocalypse porn. I use that term because they beg and wait for an end of the world because each text claims that interpretative lust in the books will grant the belivers a reward greater than they can ever imagine which is what makes them do the stuff they do based on their interpretations. In the names of Jesus, Muhammad, Moses. 

Where the fundamentalist extremist will take a text like "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." as a sign to exterminate all who disagree in the name of their lord and savior others will think of it as a cute text which has had meaning during a certain period of time and quickly denounce the fundamentalist extremist in a no true Scotsman fallacy though the evidence shows otherwise. When certain parts of books tell two different sides of the same character both maniacally insane as well as genuinely kind the interpretation of which is carried out by which person who favors said part matters in preventing the no true scotsman fallacy. When a no true scotsman fallacy has been established apologetics like to claim abrahamic texts as 'historical documents' with little to no fabricated evidence to evade their ownership of the no true scotsman evidence.

Fables should be taught as fables, myths as myths, and miracles as poetic fancies. To teach superstitions as truths is a most terrible thing. The child mind accepts and believes them, and only through great pain and perhaps tragedy can he be in after years relieved of them. Depending on the interpretation, the denomination, the religion and the context of which indoctrination takes place is dependent on how a child will act as his uniqueness is absorbed into the collective of the abrahamic religion of either his/her parents, friends or acquaintances, leaving a shell either with guilt or sitting back waiting for world domination in his dogma's name. the term"God fearing". A phrase among the most annoying of the English language, as it's often paraded about as something virtuous. The Christian god demands compulsory love and simultaneous fear; sounds a bit too much like rape for my taste.  Control mechanisms don't like to admit they are soley for the purpose to control the ways of thinking of a certain aspect of human beings but when you are able to understand when people are trying to sell you something when you don't have any kind of sickness its easy to see the lie in its own manifestation.

The abrahamic interpretations of religions are the biggest advocates for the 'Us vs Them' mentality which is the biggest divider in all of humanity. All of the factions, denominations, religions, sects and cults despise each other and claim each and everyone to be the center of absolutism that to lump them all together even though the stories connect is an insult at the highest level and decreases the dopemine levels when certain interpretations of different texts are exposed to be used for anti-intellectualism exploitation. Even now each interpretation of abrahamic religion is currently fighting for pieces of land because only that 2% of the planet earth is where all of the abrahamic books fantasy's take place. One person kills another person for not believing in Jesus, Another person kills for not believing in Moses, while the last kills for Muhammad. When tradition is treated and used to dehumanize in general like those of the abrahamic texts then humanity is regressed to using rock tools and telling modern science to fuck off in the name of worshiping said dogma. Dogma will always try to conquer in all forms of enlistment, that is why there are parts where democracy doesn't exist and 'religious scholars' who are generally old con men have complete control over places and they can just about get away with anything until a civil secular uprising eliminates the dogmatic control.

The purpose of Apologetics is to attempt to silence those who have criticism of the abrahamic pentagon. They live and covertly try to fabricate a 'I'm right, You're wrong, Sit down and bow before our lord and savior Moses, Jesus, Muhammad." that they use interpretations of the scientific method to fabricate and manipulate areas of context to fit a theocratic rule over those they disagree with. They will try and control every aspect of peoples lives and claim to be righteous moral crusaders who are in the right because the abrahamic deity says so without any proof what so ever. This righteousness is effected sometimes by blasphemy but that awakens the violent functions of the brain because of challenging the dopamine installers from acting out regularly. once again calling upon death or torture in the name of the dogma's. The Dark Ages were a time when all of the abrahamic religions were fighting among themselves but also starting the formation of other brances and denominations.

A fundamentalist extremist is just as much of a believer as a moderate who doesn't try to bother into other peoples business or control other peoples way of life and that is the biggest fact about the word faith in general and how faith manipulates. Apologetics will also never take any accountability for the atrocities done in the religion dogma's name and continue to say they are not with the people who did that ages ago when they in fact share the same beliefs as those who have done atrocities. thus tampering with history to make it look like political atrocities are done in the name on non-belief in a deity or any deities spinning the logic on its head and making a appeal to emotion to try and weaver the arguments. As these religions divide humanity together the humanist ideal is to rise above with the continuous Research, Experimentation, Implementation and Evidence of the Scientific Method, All of the abrahamic books contradict each other as well as modern science and will continue to do so as long as the interpretation is treated above the human being. Humanity will one day grow up and colonize the stars but for now and ages ago abrahamic cults have had control, its time to end that control. that control is the essence of absolutism. the claim to know everything with little actual knowledge.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Accountability within a inaccountable set of religions.

There is scientific proof that Religion has a lot to do with a Placebo effect in which the brain gets large quantities of Dopamine to experience things it can not comprehend as supernatural phenomenon or straight high effect without a drug or type of medicine. Church's, Mosque's and Temple's don't tell you that and they place a special type of incense to help bring the dopamine levels to a high. Christianity has a huge contradiction within itself of which it is now modernized to be less violent when verses exist where Jesus Himself said that the Old Testament rules still apply and those who don't obey the barbaric abrahamic rules are not true Christians itself. The books of Matthew,  Luke and John all point out that the old laws still apply but modernization is when people cherry pick and become somewhat moderate even though the book is archaic and barbaric.

Religion in general is Unsupported Assertions of self contradicting obserdity. Intelligent design is just a fancy term for Creationism. Creation Scientists have made claims that can be and have been  falsified. All claims by Intelligent Design Proponents have been  disproved by science and and disproved in a court of law. Because creationism is fueled by faith and born of religious apologetics no creationist or intelligent design proponent will ever admit when they are wrong. the religions of the abrahamic god are uncomfortable with  change and civilization becoming more progressive and less backwards  towards each other, Without a reason to fight for said religions they  would be as dead as the characters they claim to talk about.

These religions hate being questioned that is why they have apologetics to make up terms to compensate for the bronze age mythology not being needed in this time frame of human minds prepared questions. The teaching of creationism is a misuse of science as well as a basic way of  telling people they are useless because they don't bow down to one  ideology. History has shown that if a religion that is not Christianity is getting popular that Christians of many denominations will vandalize artifacts of different natures if they are tools or worship that don't hail the abrahamic god. The Cross, The Crescent Moon and The Star Of  David are all symbols of hate and have been cut into statues of things  that have no relation to the abrahamic deity at all for the last few  thousand years, ISIS Aka DEASH have been doing it a lot lately with cutting down artifact ruins in Syria as we speak.

That all goes back to the No True Scotsman thing, While fundamentalist extremists are trying to erase history and make it match what they see in their holy books the moderates who don't really take much of it seriously are sitting back and letting them do it by saying they are not  true this or that. Christians are sitting back while their groups are shooting up Planned Parenthood's, Muslims are sitting back while other Muslims toss gays down tall buildings, Moderate Jews are sitting back while Zionism slaughters and creates apartheid in a land that should be split in two, Not Three and two quarters. All of these things in the names of Jesus, Muhammad, Moses. Yet it is mostly the non-religious or the religions that aren't apart of the abrahamic triangle talking about it. Iran is slowly becoming more secular each day but as long as they have 'Islam Morality Police' like Saudi Arabia that dream of freedom will die as fast as its brought up.

Religious leaders always try to get people not to like things that could compete with the religions, things like Mass Effect, Game Of Thrones,  Lord Of The Rings are all scapegoated with the character 'satan' which each abrahamic book has a different story of Satan being some sort of bad guy but like the other characters is just fiction itself. Philosophy is an ever-changing pathway to either human progressiveness or literal dark ages created by the religiously motivated to regress us back to our  caves. Drugs come in many different ways, Some people like choking themselves, Some like to sit and talk to themselves and ask them to change a supposed divine beings plan to fit their narrative which is generally unaccepting of others.
Academia will never accept the lack of accountability in abrahamic religion to be legitimate in any fold of the scientific method. Once all forms of Theocracy is eliminated on this planet backwards regressive fundamentalists will always use some form of a persecution complex to be treated superior to others, which means that they lack of understanding in the word 'secular' which is really what will help the world. Faith by definition means to believe in something no matter what evidence contradicts it or without questioning it at all. the three abrahamic religions are the most vocal right now because they don't like change and they are trying their damnedest to stay relevant through many indoctrination progresses as well as things for rehabilitation. All which either have a goal of converting or treating less than human.


Friday, June 17, 2016

Persecution is the tool for tyrannical authoriterian rule.

Pure Flix, Living Waters, Answers In Genesis and companies like that are popping up a lot lately is what I like to call the New Christian movement. This movement is where they think they can prove once and for all that they are right and they are the only people in the universe who are right about everything, Anyone who does not believe in their particular flavor of Christianity is wrong and is out to make the world hate people like you, You are the victim because your belief and everybody who thinks differently is out to get you or some bogus claim like that is what these movies present.

Every one of these flicks that these evangelical companies pops out to appease to the masses of fans basically says that anyone who is not a Born Again Christian that you don't have Empathy, Compassion or even your own Moral Integrity as a human being. These films present arrogance to claim Atheists can't ever be sympathetic to anything, It is apart of a Christofacism that has been trying to take over America for the longest time. Self-Victimization is a big part of the doctrine for Christianity and the idea has mainly died down in Islam while the people of Judaism think they are going to own every piece of land on this planet when their apocalypse comes they claim.

Propaganda is a perfectly good word for these types of apologetic attempts for claiming moral superiority over people who don't think a certain way and are thus evil in the sense that they would kick puppies for not believing in the same manner as the people in these films. Only in America does a group try to claim moral superiority because they are not the only loud voices as they were many decades ago when the indoctrination rate was high and being open minded to other aspects with scientific method was thought out to be a mental illness. Mental Illness has come a long way thanks to the Scientific Method and the ways of which we find out which people has what.

Sure I am not saying it isn't true. Right now there ate countries in the middle east right now where being a Christian can automatically get you killed. But that is the middle east and until the middle east becomes entirely secular and doesn't have assholes like Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu, ISIS, Al-Quada, Al-Nushra and those groups the Abrahamic Barbaric violence towards each of those groups who basically believe in the same god deity will continue to spread and may in fact infect to other nations like the United Kingdom where refugee's are trying to pass sharia law as we speak kinda like how Right Wing Christian Conservatives are trying to pass forms of Biblical Law or Christian Sharia in the United States Of America.

I could go on about how Missionaries have fucked up the African counties such as Uganda but there are enough recognized points in movies like God Loves Uganda that I don't need to point out the trivial indoctrination bases that have made things like Boko Haram and the near theocracy down there a topic of discussion. This is really why humanity in general should tax religion, They get away with trying to get in politics in plenty of places on this planet that if we were to tax every single religion in the world that we would be able to fix so many of the things it has fucked up since civilization has started. The result has which made them so powerful that they have control over so many people in public leadership positions trying to impose on ordinary people who want or have nothing to do with their religions.

Don't get me wrong. I'm an Atheist, Anti-Theist, Secular Humanist. I think the actual persecution going on in the middle east to all 3 abrahamic factions is insane and wrong. But then again what do you get when you take something on the level of Dungeons And Dragons, Harry Potter,Lord Of The Rings, Enders Game seriously?  Extremists who want nothing more but to take control of the planet and force everyone into their way of thinking. Fascism has many faces, Even ones that claim they want to spread love in the name of a abrahamic creator but punish people who think differently and challenge said claims.


Monday, June 13, 2016

No True Scotsman is abused like crazy.

Throughout history fundamentalists of the the Abrahamic religions have killed and killed and killed in the names of Jesus, Muhammad and Moses because of words written in The Bible, The Quran, The Hadiths, The Talmud and the Torah. Well now that humanity has put most religions in a lot of areas in a 2nd place above human rights and human compassion the apologists are having a field day. the abrahamic religions would not be in this world today were it not for the fact they beg for people to make babies to teach the same archaic mythology to children so it can scare them and potentially turn them into Extremist Fundamentalists of sorts. Islam,Christianity, Judaism and all of its expanded mythology would all be dead in this day and age were it not for the benefit of Indoctrination.

Indoctrination teaches the hatred of the holy books to young children and if the children grow up to have the resources and the training to use devices of murder to propel the ideals of the ancient bronze age abrahamic barbaric books. Thus the extremists will do as they say to the highest point with the most righteous look on their faces as they murder people of which the holy books mention above considered to be cannon fodder. which moderates will then condemn or claim person who did such tragedy is "Not a true ____". The ironic part of all of that is the doctrine of said religions is fear. fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. 

The thing about all of the Abrahamic books mentioned above is that they are just stories that have no basis in the real world, they were literally used as rule books for bronze age Dungeons And Dragons. There is characters in these books like seven headed dragons, a dude who cuts the moon in half, a 900 year old dude who builds a boat with 2 or in some contradictions 7 of the same animals on one small boat, A dude who takes 3 days to respawn and I could go on with the mythical properties. The term 'Abrahamic' which I am using refers to the religions which were made as devices for entertainment in the middle east which refer to the character "Abraham" or "Ibraham" in some places.

The biggest point is that if a extremist fundamentalist person believes in the same abrahamic thing you believe in and says and does what the doctrine of the books does he is just as much of a believer as a moderate who enjoys the parts of said books that teach care and love and take all of the overflowing hatred as fictional details like reading an actual story by someone like Frank Herbert and his great story Dune. No story should be used to murder any human in any form, it doesn't matter if its based on reality like a documentary that actually has evidence or fiction from a galaxy far far away. You don't see people killing each other over the debate about Captain Kirk or Captain Picard... Do you? Yeah I didn't think so. 

When apologists of any of the religions try to blame Atheism for the major atrocities done by dictators they try to say that they killed those millions and millions upon people for Atheism. They think Big Bang Theory and Evolutionary Science has EVERYTHING to do with Atheism which is the biggest strawman that sadly has caught on and created a stigma that continues to this day.
Atheism alone merely means that a person or set of people don't believe in the idea of a 'god'.
That is it, There is nothing else too it.  You will never find a quote from Stalin where he ever went "I DO THIS FOR MY DISBELIEF" because no such thing exists even if he was or was not a Atheist.

We as humans must pulse through this archaic way unite as a species before we let death cults like those of the abrahamic religions try to make their favorite type of end of the earth become a reality. Humanity has potential if it doesn't get bogged down by old forms of entertainment which are used to convert or kill which some use moderately for love but do nothing of the extremists. and yes There are extremists fundamentalist Muslims, Christians, Jews, Mormons, and all of those who have killed people and continue to kill people, No matter how much you think your special brand of the abrahamic religion is perfect there has been at least a few hundred thousand people who have killed in its name and history shows it as fact.
