Friday, May 30, 2014

Morality is a weapon that has a two way trigger.

The biggest misconception that the world faces when it comes to theists is that when they preach all peace and love they represent the completely opposite behind everybody's back. "But it is a guidebook to morality", I'm sure many of you have heard that claim and as shitty as it is it never gets a full blast. If said book[s] were a key to morality as you so claim you would be doing every single rule and placement in it without question and the only people who even do anything like that literally are the monk's who end up living their life without speaking one word.

More and more in my life I see preachers of many different faiths break their ritual grounds to manipulate situations or people in general as if they believe the concept of karma is on their side completely because they choose to worship a deity. Sometimes people who preach about having a one way ticket to their choice of place in rumored afterlife they do more acts of stupidity towards other people and put on acts to get what they want.

I can't think of anything more smug than claiming to have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe and the ability to control the creator of the universe by simply dropping to their knees and praying. It doesn't matter how much buzzwords you use to try and justify things like blocking Human Equality to being a complete dick to people outside of your places of worship.

There are a lot of evangelical preachers of different faiths who need to keep this in mind as well. I don't even need to say names because just by saying the E word your mind is already showing a list of people who either have some high regard in their mannerisms of cherry picking. I would love if their were whistleblowers who would leak how much cash giant places of worship make daily and how much Zero's are in it compared to the rest of the world and where specifically they go. 

Some evangelicals are even so uptight that they want to deny scientific research to help out planet earth because they believe that any kind of catastrophe is a sign from their favorite deity, They would rather the Human Race die out and pretend to go to their afterlife claim as appose to letting scientists fight things such as Climate Change. 

It doesn't matter how much One True Irishmen or Pascals Wager's are thrown at you the fallacy about the book is how people claim to follow said books and obviously do otherwise to fit their every single greedy need.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Religion and Worship hold back Human Equality.

This is probably one of the most obvious aspects of what I have been writing for the past few months but I fight for Human Equality. That means that no form of worship shall stop a person from Getting Married or any other form of Equality that is being held back by Religion and Worship.

For thousands of years Theists have tried to claim the right's of Natural Morality to the point where if you do not worship their chosen deity that in their opinion you are not a moral person in general and they choose to ignore the traits of altruism like Empathy. They have gone so far into this thought process that if you openly admitted you bow to no deity that they will not allow you to work at places of welfare like a homeless shelter or a foster care program.

This brainwashing has been going on for centuries and has been done with countless other deities aside from Yahweh and Allah. Brainwashing people into a deity in general is an age old event that it pretty much is a SuperBowl for Evangelical Famous People.

If you need a deity to make you be a decent person, then you aren't a decent person, it's as simple as that and saying that you're selfless for the sake of being selfless is a lie within its own when you worship any deity because all forms of religion and worship have some kind of EndGame Reward that they preach about when they die. 

I live a happy life writing and working to make people happy with their lives as they are now, I enjoy cooking for people, biking with people, generally walking and discussing things with people and I would bend myself to help them even if their emotions aren't entirely logical or they are not thinking straight at all to the point of mental mutilation. I am a Secular Humanist. I bow to no God's. Have a nice day. 


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

2014: Year of Biblical Indoctrination Movies.

We are in the middle of the year 2014. This year has seen some amazing stuff from Captain America 2, The Casting for Star Wars Episode 7 and the Scientifically Accurate world of Carl Sagan and Neil DeGrasse Tyson's 13 episode re imagining of Cosmos. This year so far has got some amazing entertainment and that can't be denied.

However. Noah, God's Not Dead, A matter of faith, Son Of God. Etc. Are coming out of the woodwork like crazy lately. I think it has something to do with the movie Noah opening the door for more Worship Films to become mainstream or because the Religious people finally have a Niche market where shitty 2Million Dollar movies can make 260Million in 2 months.

Let's start with the first. Noah. Noah is directed by an Atheist to be a Fictional Re-Imagining of the Fictional Story of Genesis Chapters in the bible. Since the movies arrival into theaters Conservative Christians have been making meme's at each other pointing out which parts don't belong in their favorite version of Genesis. I personally find that hilarious, I will always find different sects that worship the same thing fighting amongst each other to be hilarious.

Next we have Son Of God which is basically all of the piece's of the Jesus Tale from The History Channel's 'The Bible' all rolled into one movie for those who don't own TV's or who want to watch it all in one sitting to be happy. Once again there is major fighting among sects. The character alone is a white guy based off of Ceasre Borgia in the middle fucking east and well.... You can find more fallacies in this movie then you could a King James Bible.

God's Not Dead and A Matter Of Faith are basically the same movie just retold in different perspectives, God's Not Dead is about a really generic stereotypical wannabe atheist by the name of Mr.Radisson who teaches Theology and Mythology inside a high school and tells his students to write "God Is Dead." on their pieces of paper because that is 75% of their starting grade thus being challenged by a kid in a NewsBoy's T-Shirt with a Silver Rosary on him who has been indoctrinated his entire life. there is some story about some Asian dude and a Muslim Chick who are skeptical in general but it doesn't get much leeway because of Kevin Pretend Atheist Sorbo and a badly named main character by the name of Josh Wheaton, Joss Wheadon should sue.

A matter of faith is a girls prospective in a different school because she was raised alone and indoctrinated by her father from the start. When the father finds out that Biology Classes all around the state don't teach their made up bullshit known as 'Creationism' he loses his shit and tries to do a Nye-Ham Style debate because that is relevant still and because these movies like teaching you to evade rational thought.

I already own all of Kirk "Couldn't make enough movie after growing pains so I became a Christian" Cameron's Left Behind movies so unless truly asked I will not review them. I don't need to see the piece of shit movies I listed above because they are pretty much predictable. Have a nice day.
