Friday, January 2, 2015

The Natural Enhancment Through Mindful Reason, Rationality and Logic.

Individualism and Free Thought are the worst enemies of Religion and Worship.
The irony of religion is that it's based on a science: the observation, and arrest, of development in the pre-to-post adolescent human brain.
Left unhindered in a 'real-world' environment, the adolescent brain will begin to re-map all the information it had accumulated during the 'record/repeat/await reward or punishment' method it had used until then: this is the birth of reason.
Not only have most all religions observed and learned to inhibit this development, but many totalitarian regimes, too.

The Term "Moderates" are often thrown around quite a lot for people who are religious but are mostly secular in their everyday lives.  To me Moderates are just fans of the fantasy of the religious texts. Like how some people are really big fans of things like Breaking Bad, Evangelion and Duck Dynasty. They enjoy the stuff but they don't take every little detail about it seriously to the point they will martyr themselves for their fandom.

When in 2012 a Ugandan affiliated Rolling Stone newspaper with the main title being "100 of Uganda's Top Homo's Leak: Hang Them" You can't claim religion is not involved and you sure as fuck can't No True Scotsman your way out of Scott Lively who was one of the top right wing men in the united states against equality for LGBT in the United States and started in 2003 putting forth the effort to "Kill The Gay's" with his Evangelical Born Again Ugandan Legislation he bought.

If the religious right get their way they are going to turn America into a Christian Theocracy almost like that of Saudi Arabia. Where Blasphemy and Criticism of the faith could get you Killed/Castrated/Tortured and where there is nothing ever secular about us to the point that there is constant worship going on and rights will be taken away from Women and LGBT members of the community.  This could totally happen if the religious right try to get rid of secularism within the united states constitution.

Eternity. Perfection. Sin and Afterlife are all man made concepts to enslave and control. Religion influences people to do things that they would not do without that indoctrination from either earlier in their life or after a harsh event that has happened. Religion calls for the self abuse towards oneself to feel like they are worthless to a being that has no evidence to exist. Religion is no different than mob life and the only difference is a promise of a treat for following or cherry picking guidelines that despise human empathy. 

Society is evolving to a more secular state of being where young earth creationism and superstition are being laughed at in our known reality while being enjoyed in their states of fiction literature and media. When superstition does not control the minds of men humanity will expand in great detail among the stars to explore and populate. We will learn through trial and error to terraform and colonize to the point where we will be talked about as these theologian God's are, Of which since time has started humanity has worshiped over 5.000.  When Atheists and None-Religious people are the majority of this planet we will treat the religious better than they ever treated us. 


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