Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Abrahamic Dungeons And Dragons

The Malignant ideology that human beings are trash for not worshiping an Abrahamic character is nothing but a reverse reality where the planet earth is just a snow globe for a made up toxic megalomaniac whom demands your attention 24/7 and if it is not mentioned or tossed around constantly that you are threatened with damnation. This form of religion is a constant in Judaism, Islam and Christianity whose stories play out like a Dungeons and Dragons campaign that has gone wrong and continues to take lives.

Shackled are those who don't believe in any of the main or spinoff's of Abrahamic Dominion for these religions are not reformed in any manner, they merely have new ways of doing things, but the way they are speaking now a days I would not be surprised if they started pulling out Spiked Crown's, Head Crushers and Iron Maidens. Even today places like Saudi Arabia which surprisingly is an ally of America does beheading and crucifixions for talking badly about their Abrahamic characters. Something that people like Pat Robertson would have wet dreams about.

Constant self victimization is the biggest tool yet, they use it to control a point and say that only they have the answers to every single problem on planet earth and they are made to lead because they read a book that is the equivalent of Humpty Dumpty on steroids. A lot of the context within the abrahamic religons is toxic masculinity, you're not manly unless you do a certain number of things and if you have a female partner fight for you or with you it is considered dishonorable and distasteful, same thing with having female leaders in general.

Control is the main purpose. Control is what they want. They want to control you in the bedroom. they want to control what gender you are. they want to control who you love and who you want to marry. they want to control every piece of government to turn America into Christian Saudi Arabia at any chance they get. to rid the constitution of the first amendment and form a pure theocracy. that is the end goal. aside from their favorite apocalypse porn that they read from their books.

the insane denial of factual science is a big part of grasping for control, some idiots believe that every single fossil was planted by their abrahamic bad guy aka 'the devil' to "test the faith" of hardcore Fundamentalist Wahhabi  Evangelical Christians, Muslims, Etc. that in itself is a HUGE denial of actual evidence. let alone the fact that many of people under those titles believes the word "theory" merely means 'idea' and not something that has been tested to be factual by actual scientists.

Where we are right now in this round of Dungeons and Dragons is that many evangelicals are trying to get Israel to cover up most of the middle east like the "promised land" map of ancient times so that they can have their end of the world party and all who don't think like them or act like them will be considered immoral and they will publicy Hang, Behead and their favorite one, Crucify
