Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Interpretations bring forth different abrahamic varients.

The concept of Interpretation is that things have different natures to how they are thought of by one person or another. It is this type of linear thinking that lets one person think of a notion as good while another person thinks of it as bad, Each form a certain point of view towards and form of discussion which is why there are many different sects, religions, denominations and subcultures of the abrahamic religions of the middle east. These types of disagreements often lead to 'Out Of Context' fallacies being presented in insulting non-religions for using a text they claim as a 'historical document' when such a fable could just be metaphors with colorful storytelling. My own interpretation is that all of the abrahamic texts are nothing but apocalypse porn. I use that term because they beg and wait for an end of the world because each text claims that interpretative lust in the books will grant the belivers a reward greater than they can ever imagine which is what makes them do the stuff they do based on their interpretations. In the names of Jesus, Muhammad, Moses. 

Where the fundamentalist extremist will take a text like "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me." as a sign to exterminate all who disagree in the name of their lord and savior others will think of it as a cute text which has had meaning during a certain period of time and quickly denounce the fundamentalist extremist in a no true Scotsman fallacy though the evidence shows otherwise. When certain parts of books tell two different sides of the same character both maniacally insane as well as genuinely kind the interpretation of which is carried out by which person who favors said part matters in preventing the no true scotsman fallacy. When a no true scotsman fallacy has been established apologetics like to claim abrahamic texts as 'historical documents' with little to no fabricated evidence to evade their ownership of the no true scotsman evidence.

Fables should be taught as fables, myths as myths, and miracles as poetic fancies. To teach superstitions as truths is a most terrible thing. The child mind accepts and believes them, and only through great pain and perhaps tragedy can he be in after years relieved of them. Depending on the interpretation, the denomination, the religion and the context of which indoctrination takes place is dependent on how a child will act as his uniqueness is absorbed into the collective of the abrahamic religion of either his/her parents, friends or acquaintances, leaving a shell either with guilt or sitting back waiting for world domination in his dogma's name. the term"God fearing". A phrase among the most annoying of the English language, as it's often paraded about as something virtuous. The Christian god demands compulsory love and simultaneous fear; sounds a bit too much like rape for my taste.  Control mechanisms don't like to admit they are soley for the purpose to control the ways of thinking of a certain aspect of human beings but when you are able to understand when people are trying to sell you something when you don't have any kind of sickness its easy to see the lie in its own manifestation.

The abrahamic interpretations of religions are the biggest advocates for the 'Us vs Them' mentality which is the biggest divider in all of humanity. All of the factions, denominations, religions, sects and cults despise each other and claim each and everyone to be the center of absolutism that to lump them all together even though the stories connect is an insult at the highest level and decreases the dopemine levels when certain interpretations of different texts are exposed to be used for anti-intellectualism exploitation. Even now each interpretation of abrahamic religion is currently fighting for pieces of land because only that 2% of the planet earth is where all of the abrahamic books fantasy's take place. One person kills another person for not believing in Jesus, Another person kills for not believing in Moses, while the last kills for Muhammad. When tradition is treated and used to dehumanize in general like those of the abrahamic texts then humanity is regressed to using rock tools and telling modern science to fuck off in the name of worshiping said dogma. Dogma will always try to conquer in all forms of enlistment, that is why there are parts where democracy doesn't exist and 'religious scholars' who are generally old con men have complete control over places and they can just about get away with anything until a civil secular uprising eliminates the dogmatic control.

The purpose of Apologetics is to attempt to silence those who have criticism of the abrahamic pentagon. They live and covertly try to fabricate a 'I'm right, You're wrong, Sit down and bow before our lord and savior Moses, Jesus, Muhammad." that they use interpretations of the scientific method to fabricate and manipulate areas of context to fit a theocratic rule over those they disagree with. They will try and control every aspect of peoples lives and claim to be righteous moral crusaders who are in the right because the abrahamic deity says so without any proof what so ever. This righteousness is effected sometimes by blasphemy but that awakens the violent functions of the brain because of challenging the dopamine installers from acting out regularly. once again calling upon death or torture in the name of the dogma's. The Dark Ages were a time when all of the abrahamic religions were fighting among themselves but also starting the formation of other brances and denominations.

A fundamentalist extremist is just as much of a believer as a moderate who doesn't try to bother into other peoples business or control other peoples way of life and that is the biggest fact about the word faith in general and how faith manipulates. Apologetics will also never take any accountability for the atrocities done in the religion dogma's name and continue to say they are not with the people who did that ages ago when they in fact share the same beliefs as those who have done atrocities. thus tampering with history to make it look like political atrocities are done in the name on non-belief in a deity or any deities spinning the logic on its head and making a appeal to emotion to try and weaver the arguments. As these religions divide humanity together the humanist ideal is to rise above with the continuous Research, Experimentation, Implementation and Evidence of the Scientific Method, All of the abrahamic books contradict each other as well as modern science and will continue to do so as long as the interpretation is treated above the human being. Humanity will one day grow up and colonize the stars but for now and ages ago abrahamic cults have had control, its time to end that control. that control is the essence of absolutism. the claim to know everything with little actual knowledge.
