Saturday, June 27, 2015

One small victory for progress, One large crowd for regressivness.

On June 26th 2015 Marriage Equality was finally achieved, The Supreme Court of the Untied States Of America got a 5 to 4 vote on the social issue that should have been solved before I was even born. With every aspect of progressiveness that gets achieved there is always a large group of people who want to be on the wrong side of history and use whatever method to talk down to the people who got their victory finally.

The biggest person pretending to be the victim here is Religion. the "One True Religion", I don't even need to say its name. Just know its one of the three major Abrahamic religions. One where 78% of the population of the united states of America labels itself. Yet No True Scotsman's itself for its many many many denominations. One that is trying so hard to turn the country of America into a Theocracy based on its belief system, which in general would turn America into Saudi Arabia Mark 2. Just with a different Abrahamic Religion, Same punishment for Blasphemy and being a Free Thinker.

With the passing of Marriage Equality a large percentage of people including people in congress who are trying to run for president are attempting to undermine the choice by The Supreme Court, which is kind of ironic because a good number of voters could be Gay,Lesbian,Trans yet they are continuing to gather together and attempt to undermine the choice.

It's kind of Ironic. A Religion that claims it is all about love and respect which also condones Incest, Marriage to 700 Women, Slavery, Dismembering Unbelievers, Raping people of land, Raping a woman and paying for her with 15 silver coins, Having 2 daughters drug and rape their father, Ect. The hypocracy is out of fucking control.

There are progressive Christians out there. I'm friends with a few of them but a large number of them want to form a treasonous movement to turn America which is founded on the freedom Of religion meaning its ok to be religious and its ok not to be religious. Oh yeah the first amendment basically means UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHALL NEVER INSTALL OR FAVOR ONE RELIGION OR ANY RELIGION. These people want to turn America into Christian Saudi Arabia. Where anyone who doesn't bow to their doctrine ends up limbless or dead.

That personally scares the living shit out of me that people want that to happen and there are so many people behind that idea and think that idea is perfect because they don't like people who are different. and who do not bow to their ideal of Christian Complete Control. When they get their way they bitch and moan about people not bowing down and worshiping their cross, when they don't get their way they complain and play the victim when they are in higher numbers.

We won this round. We'd rather be progressive then regressive, Sorry. Enjoy this beautiful day in Secular America.
