Monday, December 29, 2014

Persecuted - Christian Thriller with a Seperation Of Church and State twist.

I start out this movie bored out of my mind having just got out of a debate with some guy in the third world area of Zambia which is located in Africa. The first thing I see is a quote from Martin Luther King Jr which is ironic they are using a Social Justice hero from long ago to promote a movie that talks about a book which has little social justice in it alone.

After that we see people rallying against Christians or something along those lines with quotes like that of Dalai Lamas "I like your Christ I just don't like your Christians" and stuff like that. All while showing areas of the Capital Of The United States that have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity except for those few sects of Christianity that think The United States Of America was founded so that they can be assholes to everyone else. What these sects always seem to forget is easily in the first amendment of the untied states constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." But a lot of sects in Christianity always pass this by

We see some main character guy I assume getting interviewed. He sounds like he is a pastor as he is referred to "The Ambassador Of God". talking about how America has become fully secular which I could only dream for. The main character is played by James Remar who has done a lot of really good TV and Movies in the past 10 years. We learn that some bill has been passed that says you have to say openly if you're in some form of religion or others. I can already smell the Jack Chick fear loathing just from that opening scene alone. John Luther who is the main character is about to talk about his past. Which he says he isn't worthy of anything blah blah blah self sacrifice you know the jingle.

Then we get a hint into the past with the guy who made the "If they don't believe in it why are they so offended by it" joke a year ago that went insanely viral. The name of the comedy thing is called "TruthLive" which is ironic because it features a cross and stuff. Funny how before the main character starts a comedy stand up routine he is visited by Type Cast Senator and is asked to bullshit more bullshit so that other bullshit can pass the bullshit congress. Interesting choice of character development. So he's basically Joel Osteen or Peter Popoff with an actual none agenda. Did not expect this. Will watch more.

So because he chose not to speak about the bill that senator type cast was talking about he sent a druggie and someone else to most likely set him up for something he is going to regret. Funny because congressman only seem to do that when they themselves are almost screwed. Yup I thought so, Setting it up so it looks like he was cheating on his wife and family for some random younger girl, I don't need to say anything because the irony speaks for itself. So they framed him of killing the girl. this is getting odd.

Ok so I gave it 15 minutes to develop and so far his best-friend and co-worker is hitting on his wife while drunk on wine. He is basically running trying to defend his name and senator type cast is doing basic senator stuff with other ministries, No true Scotsman at its finest . So he goes to the "American Woman" place that he was attacked, drugged and whatnot at and they are full of junkies who recorded the assault. interesting. typical white president figures out something is strange and tells senator type cast to keep john luther quiet. Ok so the catholic priest sees the evidence in a SanDisc USB drive and is killed by senator type casts cronies. this movie takes no prisoners. lol.

Oh boy. near 60 minutes in they already pull the 'Christian Nation" bullshit and senator type cast is trying to pull some forceful word salad nullification to appease to the people to pass a bill that will make it so all belief systems or none-belief systems are made public. the ironic thing about all of that is that we have something like that. ITS CALLED FACEBOOK. So John Luther meets type cast senator in his own house. This whole bill is all about indoctrination fighting other indoctrination. its kind of hilarious because they are all talking about supernatural powers and whatnot.

I was waiting for it. I was fucking waiting for it. The bad guy is senator type cast who is obviously the evil atheist. I knew it was coming but not 2/3rds into the movie. Typical Christian Secular Entrapment. Aside from that John Luther character is actually for Separation of Church and State which is something you don't see often even in a christian propaganda movie. this is impressive.

Ok we're near the final stretch and John Luther has been shot 2 times by type cast senators assassin and with the help of alter boy he is trying to get what looks like the framing scene the junkies got on the internet while assassinman is nearby and Luther is bleeding out faster than a teenager on her first period. In a MNightShamalayn twist Assassinman turns on type cast senator and kills him directly in his home which is going to lead to some intense shit. now assassinman and his crony are trying to kill john while FBI comes in all Counter Terrorist like to get assassinman and hopefully help with luthers innocence. Just as john thought he was about to die he calls his family and tells them he loves them and then assassinman evades counter terrorist FBI force and assassinman takes FBI woman hostage. John shoots him most likely in the back or in the head.

After it seems to be weeks later and he is back at the place where it all started. bestfriend asshole is probably fired and well you know. stuff like that. then we get back to the start of the interview with news woman where we started out and he says something about falling on his own sword. after that he goes into the whitehouse conference center to say something about all of this. probably something none-existent or something.

FINAL THOUGHTS: I am actually really impressed with this movie. It felt more like a 90's thriller with a tiny bit of a christian vibe thrown into it. Surprised they threw the Evil Secular person near the end with his apparently congress best friend dude but that is passable. I would say this is worthy of a watch if you want to see something good of a popcorn movie with christian vibes. other than that it was full of fallacy after fallacy and some of it just seemed out of place even though everything in this movie took place in Washington D.C.. I hope more 'Christian' movies come out actually understanding the separation of church and state.