Friday, November 21, 2014

I Don't Know.

Lately it seems like people are claiming to know everything or a big part of everything, no matter what source you read there is always one side that thinks they have all the answers or that some fictional character is the only answer that is needed. The redundancy of claiming to know everything proves significance of nothing without actual scientific peer reviewed evidence.

We currently live in a generation where the next dark ages could occur at any time. We have actual scientists who are completely ripping apart creationists. we have 13 different groups of jihadists killing in the name of their God and its Prophet, claiming to be a cult of peace but threatening to take over the world. We have countries that ban a certain sexuality because of books written by desert goat herders in ancient times told them too.

This year alone scientific integrity has been challenged by people who believe skywizards did all of this 6000 years ago. There is a small group of dunces who are so scientifically illiterate it's amazing they make money off of people at all. they are Ken Ham, Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron, Kent Hovind, Eric Hovind, Pat Robertson. Joshua Feurestein. Those are the most prevalent ones of this age.  Yet if the time comes they would easily be the first to call to burn blasphemers and anyone else who questions their own intellectual suicide.

Bill Nye ripped Ken Ham a scientific new one in February of 2014, Neil Degrasse Tyson made the creationists quiver in fear with his 13 episode re-imagining of Carl Sagan's 'Cosmos: A space and time odyssey' and people from all over YouTube like Logicked, JaclynGlenn, Dusty Smith, The Amazing Atheist, MrRepzion are showing the complete and utter fallacies of creationism are in the scientific community.

I think when it comes to learning my own origins as a human on the planet earth it's better to trust the people who understand the scientific meaning of 'Theory' and don't just assume that word means "Made it up". I have always been skeptical and evidence should not have to be a dirty word. Atheists should not have a stigma and be less trusted than rapists in a country founded on freedom being the right of all sentient beings. I suggest to anyone else who want's to question their own existence to read more than the Bible, Qur'an and Torah. Check out actual scientific papers written by people who know what it is they are talking about and have continued to study actual origins literally.

The point of the matter is it's good to say "I Don't Know" rather than to make up random stuff on the spot to justify magic wizards.
